I’d like to suggest some “Luvin” go out to our Lt. Governor Tim Murray for his help in the amendment process as well.
I read the papers this morning and it was all Deval, Terry and Sal, which rightly it should have been, but I only saw one mention of Tim in the three papers I read.
Tim and Deval teamed up very early on in this fight to try and change minds and bring people over to the prevailing side of this issue.
From the perspective of someone who worked himself up from the bottom of the trenches of local politics, all the while supporting marriage equality, Tim was able to demonstrate that a politician with a Middle Class Irish-Catholic background like himself was not going to get hurt with a No vote on this matter.
Our LG will also be with Deval and Sal and Terry over the next 17 months and live up to a commitment to stand with these folks to make sure they are able to hold onto their seats next year.
Unfortunately, this fight did not end yesterday.
But let’s take a break for the weekend while savoring the very sweet smell of success and I’ll see you all back here on Monday!
PS – don’t forget Geraldo Alicea who in the end went our way as well!
for giving credit where it’s due. Yesterday after the vote I called a friend who’s been working for MassEqality for a year or so to congratulate him, and he was in a wild party somewhere so we couldn’t hear each other very well. He called back this morning and said that Tim had helped a whole lot in flipping Kujawski and Alicea, two reps in my friend’s target area. Alicea is new, but he represents the district formerly held by Mark Carron, one of the most vehement SSM opponents in the last session. All indications at first were that Alicea was going to follow Carron’s lead. These were two really big ones. Too bad we weren’t as successful with some of our other Central Mass reps, some of them Democrats!
Tim has been active in southern Worcester County and has been working closely with Rep. Alicea since they both took office in January.
It’s clear that Alicea voted his conscience on this issue, and good for him for it. We need more leaders willing to take courageous stands to protect rights despite electoral expediency or pressure. His district is extremely conservative on this and other social issues. Alicea also vowed to put the amendment on the ballot during the campaign. I’m thrilled that he changed his position, but (and I’m going to sound like a broken record) we need to be ready to help him next year should he need it.
The two Worcester reps who voted for the amendment are so damn entrenched and politically safe that no amount of pressure would’ve made them budge. Damn shame.
We will never know how many people participated in making this happen, because everything from coming out to friends and family, to explaining to friends why making gays the butt of a joke isn’t cool, to blogging on equality, to writing your newspaper, to supporting pro-equality candidates, to calling donors, to getting postcards signed, to meeting with your legislators, to politicking amongst the elected…ALL these things added up to create victory yesterday. So thank you to the Executive and to the Legislature, but that you also to us. It wouldn’t have happened without all of us doings our bit.
giving him some credit. It’s as or more important to give kudos when due as it is to criticize when they do wrong.
Both my reps Stanely and Tarr voted for marriage rights.
…I saw reported that Paul Celluci buttressed Weld’s equal-rights-for-gay-people. The LG is very important in these issues.
Fantastic proponent of true and progressive Democratic values and a work ethic to boot. Speaking of boots – a swift one for Moore, Fresolo, Petrolati, Rogeness, Smola and Curran would be well deserved. Very proud of Alicea…good man.
Very big disappointment with Curran-D Springfield. Good job Candaras…finally flipped to the side of equality. I suspect Ed Augustus did some reaching out in Worcester’s south county,too. Kujawski was a big surprise. Maybe he did quit drinking and sobriety is helping him see things more clearly.
There’s no doubt that Democratic voters made the right decision in making Tim Murray Lt. Governor. He has surely become Deval’s secret weapon on this and other key issues that involve consensus building. He knows how to play in this political ball field…clearly emerging as this Administration’s MVP.
please read my Daily Kos blog entry posted a few hours after Thursday’s vote