Kris Mineau, Ray Flynn and the rest get to continue to do their ugly pathetic thing–be the righteous victims of wickedness, cheated again by legislative shenanigans or corruption or the just plain horrible tyranny of the majority (in this case, of a considerable supermajority)–cheated of the outcome that just must be their due.
It is what they do best, even better than lies and hate–which they also get to continue for as long as they want. Whee!
As an additional bonus that the anti-marriage crowd will probably not appreciate, though they should, keeping government from enforcing any particular religious views protects them too–perhaps most of all, since their extreme views are in the minority.
As for folks like my neighbor, whom I know (painfully, courtesy of signed the anti-marriage petition, they have a choice. They can join Kris Mineau and company in righteous dudgeon, or they can learn from a world that has moved beyond that.
I think most of them will come to terms with things and move on. I do not grudge my neighbor confusion or doubt about this issue, as long as he does not prevail; it seems not inappropriate to someone of his age and background, and I wish him clarity and I wish him well.
It really is a kind of Kurt-Vonnegutian paradise in which everyone gets the heaven or hell they really want. And how often can you say that?