Well, between today and tomorrow, we’re in for a heck of a battle with emotions running high on both sides. I’m already seeing nastiness seeping out in other threads — shall we try to concentrate it here? With the kindness of the editors, I submit this post for flame wars that occur heartbreak and triumph. No threats please.
So if you think anyone who doesn’t vote your way should be primaried, or you think anyone who says that is stupid, come here.
If you think having a democratic vote is undemocratic, or that everyone’s rights should be subject to the majority’s whims, come here.
If you think MassEquality is undermining democracy, strengthening it, or massively incompetent, come here.
If you think we need to focus on reproductive rights, the North American Union, or the shortage of tin foil, come here.
Maybe we can focus the venom here and spare the other threads.
I just hope the legislators of Massachusetts vote in the fullness of conviction, mindful of their oath and their duties. May our government be worthy of its people today.
Where do you get off, you spiteful, ignorant process liberal? You’re no better than the rest of us!
It’ll be interesting to see if your flypaper invitation sticks.
I wanted to say something nasty in, you know, the spirit of your request, but I can’t think of anything! Well gimme time, it’ll come, it’ll come. Maybe my pump just needs some priming. Off to look for one of those Red
TideMass cranks…