John Rogers, House Majority Leader and former Chairman of House Ways and Means paid almost $200,000 in “consulting fees” to his former law partner, and a former rep, from his campaign account. Rogers portrays himself as an altar boy but it is tough not to ask, Did any of this $200,000 make its way back to Rogers?
What did this guy do for 200 large in 2 years. Rogers wanted the Speaker’s job. OK, he should pay a consultant a few bucks to help track reps. Most of $$ is spent on dinners. The speakership is won with smarts and shoe leather. Rogers has brought campaign spending to a new level with these crazy expenditures.
The consultant says he didn’t receive much of it. So tell us Johnny, where did the money go???
If it didn’t go to you that is.
was legal, wasn’t it? I mean running a political organization like that must not be easy and he is a busy pol with lots of obligations, both legislative and professionally as a busy lawyer.
Since he hasn’t done anything wrong shouldn’t you just give him a break? He seems to be a good guy if you ask me.
1) That seems like an awful lot of money for a campaign against no one.
2) By paying a consultant a lump sum to run a campaign, the public does not see where the expenditures go. This is a loophole in our state’s campaign finance laws that should be addressed.
But Rogers and his campaign committee should tell where the $$$ went when the amount is so redicuoulsly high.
By the way, this $$ is about a speaker’s race, not a local rep race. Still the figures are so outrageous that the pol should be forced to explain or resign.
In this case Rogers.
If the Globe had taken the time to run this story a year ago, his “longshot” opponent wouldn’t have been such a long shot.