On every issue that has come up, not only does Jamie line up with my admittedly progressive viewpoints. He also has the best grasp of those issues, and the core underlying problems that need to be solved. He understands what’s happening in Congress right now, what current proposals out there he would support, and what needs fixing. His ideas are bold, in an age when finger-in-the-wind politics is conventional wisdom. He has released detailed proposals on several issues thus far with more to come, also against conventional wisdom, which says that a candidate should remain as vague as possible so as not to invite attacks from opponents.
Beyond that, he is practical. He has been accused by some in the race of not facing reality on many of his proposals, including single payer health care. However, Jamie is someone who will fight passionately for his ideals but know when something is better than nothing. Even though the health care reform here in Mass is seriously flawed, still leaves out many uninsured, doesn’t address cost, and is basically corporate welfare for health insurance companies, it does provide for the least among us who do not have health care, and on that compromise, Jamie voted yes, even as he fought for a more idyllic health care amendment to the state Constitution to embody health care as a constitutional right.
I would rather send a fighter to Congress who will push for the ideal, and know when to compromise, then go to Congress already compromising. We have no chance of success for bold initiatives if we choose not to aim high.
Some issues on which Jamie’s position shows his courage in leadership:
- For single payer health care, and for restructuring our system to let go of profits, which are at complete odds with quality, affordable, universal care.
- Restructuring our trade – Fair trade, not free trade. Free trade has been a disaster for workers, for our nation, and for the countries our corporations are allowed to exploit. But we can do global trade better.
- Education – repealing the NCLB act, fully funding special ed which is crushing our schools, and increasing the quality of our education without the ineffective high stakes “standards testing” which has failed us.
- Defunding the war and getting our boys and girls home safely.
- True campaign finance reform, including publicly-funded campaigns. Jamie was the only state candidate in Mass elected on the short-lived Clean Elections law. He knows what that means – not being beholden to big money special interests but ot the people of his district.
On these issues, and many more, Jamie has grasped the real problems we face – not the pat sound bite, but the root causes – and has real solutions, which he outlines so clearly on his website. He was unequivocally a supporter, and hard worker, of Deval Patrick’s amazing grassroots campaign. And I have noticed, in all the debates and places where he speaks, he wins over the crowd with his truthful, bold, and progressive leadership.
Jamie is the best candidate for our district. I urge you to support him with your donation and your time.
cos says
paintitblue says
The difference between today’s endorsements is that Lynne can vote in the district.
massmarrier says
A BIG difference is that Lynne’s endorsement provides reasons to vote for her candidate. According to the two-paragraph plug from him on Niki’s page, he said she was highly qualified and a great candidate. However, unlike Lynne with Eldridge, Barney provided no evidence of qualifications nor any reason to vote for Niki.