I missed it. Outraged Liberal (allegedly a former journo) liked it — noting that Patrick really is an outsider, thinks like an outsider … and is treated like an outsider. Ryan is stoked, too. Much of it is on line, although I think NECN could make it a little easier to find …
These are the broadcast times:
Friday, June 1, 7pm
Saturday, June 2, 8pm
Sunday, June 3, 11am
Monday, June 4, 4pm
Tuesday, June 5, 2pm
Wednesday, June 6, 11am
Did you see it?
Please share widely!
I thought it was pretty good. There’s a really telling scene just after the drapes/Caddy controversy breaks where Alison asks him what he was thinking during a press conference and he points out that the reporters asking him about the car hadn’t asked him a single substantive issue on policy since he’d been in office. There’s also some great human interest moments -Deval taking a call from his daughter in the middle of a press opportunity, Deval singing a parody song at some charity event (I think he could use a lesson Charlie), a great interview with Diane after her return to work following the depression episode. This was the guy I thought I was working for during the campaign, serious, smart, determined to make a difference. Definitely worth a look.
Massachusett’s stealth governor. Actually I like Mr. Speaker considerably more. Mr. Speaker functions closer to reality.
… And thought it was very good.
There were the clear “rookie” mistakes, and I may not agree with every decision, but I still can’t think of anyone else who would be a better Governor.
Also worth watching is “Turning the Corner” which aired on NECN the other night.
It’s about time the guy I voted for, the guy I believed in, the guy I felt certain would bring change to Beacon Hill starts doing just that.
Instead, we have him going to the UMASS graduation and saying crap like this (from today’s Globe):
“University of Massachusetts at Boston graduates roared their approval yesterday of Governor Deval Patrick’s plan to open community colleges free to all students, even as lawmakers and others criticized the proposal because the governor never said how he would pay for it…
He dismissed concerns about funding, saying some people also had doubted that United States could put a man on the moon or win World War II…
His plan — to unfold over a decade, instead of eight years as aides said earlier — has potentially hefty price tags each year, including $120 million for full-day kindergarten, $600 million for universal preschool, $1.3 billion for a longer school day and year statewide, and $180 million for free tuition and fees for community college students, according to estimates from state officials and education advocates.
Lawmakers and taxpayer groups fear that Patrick is raising unrealistic expectations. Already he has proposed spending $1 billion over 10 years for medical research and biotechnology, without a guaranteed source of funding, among other plans.
Citizens for Limited Taxation called the governor’s plans “a dreamer’s wish list” and said they doubted lawmakers would pass his education plans.
House minority leader Bradley H. Jones Jr., Republican of North Reading, said the governor was promising things he cannot deliver. Cities and towns are struggling to pass overrides, he said.
“He fails to inject a dose of reality,” he said….”
Then again, who wouldn’t expect a graduate of UMASS Boston to believe the kind of crap he slings??? There is no way he actually believes a word of this. No way at all.
That’s what being a progressive is all about. When things look bad, don’t hunker down in a bunker. Move forward.
How many companies, when faced with external threats, retreat? How many instead recognize the need to move forward?
I didn’t realize the Outraged Liberal was that far under cover. Anyway, you can take it the bank that he is, indeed, a former journalist who has a deep understanding of how state politics and state government work. No need for “alleged.”
He’s “alleged.”