I can’t believe it. When you want the national press to cover something, where the heck are they??????
Just finished watching the first Good Morning America , NO mention of our History Making Vote…….BUT did show Eva Langoria jumping into Tony Parker’s arms and planting a lip lock! They could have used the Mitt Romney angle…..
Wake up America….there are more important things in America……..Like Equality
Please share widely!
I saw a short piece on it on ABC’s national news cast at 5:30 yesterday (I’d been watching NECN since I’d got home at 4) but it was out there. Newspapers were covering it everywhere today I believe. I like GMA and sometimes has some really good interviews, but it definitely lacks at times.
…I could take that two ways.
One way, the issue has played out. The other way, liberal media wants to ignore it.
In point of fact, the NYTimes had an article up on their web site shortly after the vote, and they have a (fairly) major article on the vote on their web site this morning here.
On the other hand, I would not consider advertising supported media to be particularly interested in issues that might be controversial particularly interested in pursuing issues that they fear might be offensive to some of their audience. That includes, by the way, not only GMA, but also PBS and NPR. NPR did have news reports of the vote in the MA ConCon yesterday afternoon, but little else. I don’t watch the McNiel News Hour, largely because it is little more than an extended version of the Sunday morning gab fests. But I ignore NPR and WBUR largely because in the past they have given undue attention to the anti-gay side on any issue–something similar if they were to give more attention to the KKK than to blacks, or Nazis vs. the Jews. I don’t pay NPR much attention.
One thing that I find interesting, though, is that most of the “liberal” blogs that I read seem to be uncomfortable dealing with gays or gay issues. And that is one reason why I have no use for self-described liberals. No mention of this vote here in MA has been seen on Kevin Drum’s WashingtonMonthly blog (although he often comments about CA politics), on Josh Marshall’s blog, on Ezra Klein’s blog, or anywhere, as far as I can tell. Self-described “liberals” are really quite worthless, as far as I’m concerned.
… totally agree with you.
Especially the part about many (but not all) “self-described ‘liberals’ “.
What’s really sad is how that kind of attitude even trickles down to gay people themselves, including even gay men (particularly of color) in MA.
Sad. Quite sad…
…that gay black men are caught between a rock and a very, very hard place. There are a number of gay white men who are, if not dismissive of racial issues regarding gay black men, openly hostile to gay black men.
On the other hand, there are gay black men who, one, have chips on their shoulders, and refuse to even try to reach out to gay rights organizations that primarily market themselves to the “larger community” (read white–as Willy Sutton would have said, that’s largely where the money is). On the opposite side, black gay men are denigrated by the black community, because they want to have sex with men. I have personal experience with that. And one of the regular posters on the old NYTimes gay rights message board was both black and a young gay man (an immigrant from Trinidad and Tobago) and he confirmed my suspicions.
BTW, I wonder how much of this is due to sexism. Pam (or her partner) over at Pam’s House Blend, seems to be a person of color (I haven’t seen a pic). I suspect that people of color are far less judgemental of women than they are of men.
… and that’s not just limited to gay black men… gay Hispanic men, gay Asian men… they have their own obstacles from several different sides as well.
Of course I find the disturbing over racism from a minority of gay white men (as well as the subtle forms of racism from almost half of gay white men) as disturbing as the homophobia from ethnic minorities.
…quite frankly, I was shocked a few years ago when, rooting around the Internet, that I discovered an entry from the Southern Law Poverty Center that detailed gay men in the United States of America being involved in Neo-Nazi and Klan-like activities.
I would not have imagined that in my more than 50 years on this planet, before I read that.
On another note regarding Of course I find the disturbing…as disturbing as the homophobia from ethnic minorities. (NB: I don’t clean up syntax, but it’s irrelevant here so I let it ride) the sad fact that the black community in the US has, is that its homophobia is killing black people. In the US. That has been documented. The rate of new HIV infections in the black community (last count) was several times that of even the hispanic community, and that was several times that of the white community.
And I, as a white person, do not have any credibility it trying to get them to stop it.
Fortunately, at least some primarily black churches have noted the problem, and are trying to address it.
So many blogs, so little time… it tends to result in those every now and then.
It’s frustrating that so few of us are saddled with so many issues, which makes this kind of thing more likely to happen.
With the amendment behind us, that’s at least one less issue I personally have to worry about…
for the skyrocketing HIV infection rates…
but some of it is the men themselves.
… basically as soon as it happened. And then Fred Clarkson wrote up a post on it that hit the Kos recommended list. Worthless liberals, both, of course.
The rest, perhaps, didn’t really appreciate what had happened, and that it was a big deal here. They may have been thinking, “gay marriage yesterday/gay marriage today, no change”.
I wouldn’t read too much into bloggers neglecting to comment on things. There’s all manner of stuff I can’t get to, or don’t feel I have anything intelligent or informed to add to.
to be a liberal. He’s more of a centrist, IMHO.
Kevin Drum’s a self-described liberal. He’s pro single-payer health care, for instance.
None of the MSM ever brought it up. Not even a comment about Mitt Romney’s former state. Bloggers will get to it before Charlie Gibson.
Come to think of it, there was never mush about Deval being only the 2nd African American Governor in history.
I just don’t get it……..it makes you feel like your part in history never mattered.
… and it’s a general trend… it’s less about commenting on every little thing as it is about being willing to challenge something that’s wrong when it’s difficult to do.
Aren’t those shows pretty much all fluff and no substance anyways? The TV equivalent of People magazine? I’d think that the nightly news shows would be a better indicator of how much attention the national press is giving this.
Diane Sawyer has had some really interesting interviews and stories: interviews with the presidents of Syria and Iran, an in depth look at life in North Korea when she spent a week or so there.
That said, of course yes it is mostly fluff, which is why I’m not surprised by it’s incompleteness. The idea seems to be people don’t want anything too serious in the morning before work: it’s not true for me (I love to watch Washington Journal as often as I can) but it’s the reason my wife listens to pop radio in the mornings to work and NPR on the way home.
I was still picturing Joan Lunden and David Hartman!
Those of us of a certain age (who stopped watching TV over a decade ago) are likely to still picture Joan Lunden and David Hartman(‘s teeth).
Thanks for the memories. Oy.
Someone told me the other day that people used to get their news from television, and I could hardly believe it. I’m not sure how that would happen unless they momentarily took a break from all that valuable product information that’s provided around the clock for our benefit.
Family from Berkeley and Chicago contacted us after seeing the news in the paper. The stories unfortunately quoted Bush in interpreting the vote here as evidence for the need for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Ugh.
Sort of pokes a hole in the old ‘Liberal MSM’ concept, or it would have been even more widely reported, don’t you think?
Since the media over the last twenty years or so has been reshaping itself in response to relentless criticism from the right that they don’t act exclusively as a P.R. arm of the Republican party, it supports my feeling that — regarding “hot-button” social issues, at least — if the marionette strings aren’t being pulled by the usual suspects, the MSM must think there’s not much to report.
One thing that was avoided by Thursday’s vote is the painful media circus that would have been unleashed around the 2008 referendum. If given a choice, I prefer an underreported victory.
keep criticizing them relentlessly from the left! And the Iraq war is something that is giving us credibility when we do so.