I have decided impeachment is too slow. Deserved, certainly, but too slow. Resignation is faster. I call upon Bush and Cheney to resign.
Under a parliamentary system, we could call for elections, without waiting for a prescribed term of office to end. We would not need impeachment, because we would have the vote. If we had a Japanese system of morality, and our leaders were warriors, they would commit seppuku. But they aren’t warriors. They only contrive to get others to fight, and even in this have no honor, for they rely on deception and lies.
We can’t call elections and our leaders are not worthy of ritual suicide. We do have freedom of speech, and enough to know that these two have done far worse than what others have done to face impeachment and resignation. Bush and Cheney should resign. Their absences would make Nancy Pelosi President, under the rules of presidential succession.