Mailing address for Governor and Lt. Governor:
Massachusetts State House
Office of the Governor
Office of the Lt. Governor
Room 360
Boston, MA 02133
E-mail via web form here
Mailing address for House and Senate:
Massachusetts State House
Boston, MA 02133
Room numbers and emails for Reps here.
Room numbers and emails for Senators here.
Please share widely!
Forms of Address for Govermnent Officials is a good source for this information.
Naturally, hand-written letter by far have the biggest impact.
Thanks! I couldn’t get your link to work, so googled the title and got this, among other things.
So basically, it looks like the address on the envelope should read “The Honorable So and So” for gov, lt gov and legislators. The the letter salutation should read “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Dear [Governor/Lt Governor/Representative/Senator] Whoever”, as applicable.
Sorry, that’s my lousy skills right there. The addy is
Linked here.
The “correct” way to address the Governor,
His Excellency Deval Patrick
State House
Boston, MA
All Reps and Senators are The Honorable.
The salutaions are – Dear Governor/Lt. Gov./Senaotr/Representative.
The Secretary Book isn’t wrong, but this varies from state to state.
I also have a handbook which explains how to adress a sitting head of state, a consul, an ambasador or papal legate! :~)
I was looking at the part of the state Constitution, which spells out that the governor is called His Excellency- Ch. II, Sec. I, Art. I. Further down, where the LG comes up- Ch. II, Sec. II, Art. I, it says His Honor.
Address the Gov as “His Excellency Deval L. Patrick” and salutation as “Dear Governor Patrick.” Address the Lt. Gov as “The Honorable Timothy Murray” and salutation as “Dear Lt. Governor Murray.” Address Reps and Senators as “The Honorable John Doe, Massachusetts Senate/House” and salutation as “Hey You!” (sorry, couldn’t resist…)
…If you are really concerned about the preferred way to address letters to the governor, lieutenant governor and legislators, call their offices and ask them. It probably would not be necessary to call more than a couple of legislators’ offices to discern a pattern.
As an aside, as far as I’m concerned, “The Honorable Such&Such” would suffice for legislators. It seems to me a bit much to address the governor, etc., differently, and it strikes me that “Your Excellency” smacks a bit of “Your Royal Highness.”
and thank them in your own words and your own handwriting!
They are people – their titles are nice but not necessary – your thoughtful note will make the most impact.
The right address is pretty important, but really, like that ad – just do it!
yep, that is the plan, to just write a personal note headed by a respectful honorific. although peter porcupine may be technically correct about “excellency”, i’m with raj – i’m not sure i can get myself to use that term, not even for deval. too royal, and an artifact of former centuries. i believe in showing respect, but not subordination. “honorable” sounds about right.
When I met him I used it in a joke, and it elicited a sheepish grin and head shake. He’s easy to talk to, and about as real as they get.