How unfortunate that the threshold for survival of the anti-gay forces is so low. In this case, a large majority of the public and 75% of the legislature doesn’t even want to give these folk a shot at continuing their quest to strip marriage rights from homosexuals. Indeed if this odious attempt at legislating personal religion had been a legislator-generated initiative, it would have required 50% plus one of the ConCon to advance. Not bloody likely.
The pity is that they are willing to push this to the very bitter end. Without the nobility of soldiers in a lost war, they are more the Blanche DuBois of politics. In this case though, there’s no nice mental-institution caretaker to take their arm on the way.
We saw more of their position again this week, but not from their usual lobbying arms. Rather the local archdiocese paper, The Pilot, ran another of its specious and spurious editorials in preparation for the ConCon.
This was one of the most embarrassing ones yet. It recapped the illogical and simply wrong arguments that it and Sean Cardinal O’Malley have been offering for the past couple of years. It is worth reading to remind yourself of how unfortunate and silly these folk can be.
The VoteOnMarriage sorts love to niggle with the MassEquality slogan that “It’s Wrong to Vote on Rights.” That could well be expanded into the more accurate but less powerful “It’s Wrong to Vote to Remove Rights from Any Minority.” That’s the intent, the VOM folk know that, and they are dead wrong while MassEquality is dead right.
The anti-marriage-equality folk would also have legislators as well as their own minions believe that marriage is a religious institution, authorized by churches, legalized with a cleric’s blessing, and not a right at all. Here I am appalled by even the Democratic Presidential hopefuls, all but one of whom seem to agree. Even those who favor civil unions and claim to support gay rights use phrases like “marriage is between a man and a woman; that’s the way I was raised.”
To the issue at hand and particularly the ConCon, that is not the way it has ever been in Massachusetts, not from colonial times. The Puritans escaped from theocratic intolerance and the mingling of government and religion. Here, while claiming personal religious fervor, they set church here and state there, with tall boundaries of law, regulation and custom.
The colonial governors went so far as to forbid ministers from performing marriages and only later let them speak at weddings. In Massachusetts, marriage has always been a civil contract.
The only role a cleric has in weddings here, even today, is the same as a Justice of the Peace, and one-day designated solemnizer, a town clerk, a judge or the governor has. They can act as an agent of the commonwealth in signing the government-issued marriage license.
For example, the editorial cites incest restrictions on marriage. Various states have different definitions of consanguinity. Those that permit closer ties decidedly do not have more birth defects, higher divorce rates, or laws permitting the evils irrationally linked to permitting same-sex marriage. As the pathetic Pilot piece put it, “Once marriage becomes a personal right, the institution of marriage fades. It is only a matter of time before polygamy, polyandry, incestuous relations and all other manner of partnerships will be accepted as marriage.”
It speaks to the poverty of their position and their diminished numbers that they contend first that marriage is not a civil right, second that it is a religious institution and not a government controlled civil one, and three that no one has a right to marry, per <span se. All of those are wrong and each shows a willful denial of many centuries of history and culture, of hundred of years of Massachusetts history, government and culture, of the laws of both the commonwealth and nation, and of the simple reality that the vast majority of locals and Americans wed civilly with not even the veneer of a cleric signing the state issued document that makes a marriage.
We can understand why the VOM and archdiocese leaders play those games. We are not quite over the hump on this type of civil-rights issue. They hope to be able to twist 25% of the legislature one more time to put removing civil rights from a minority on the ballot for 2008.
Yet, we hear echoes of this in such theaters as the Democratic Presidential candidates’ debates.
We have seen popular votes on stripping rights before. Sometimes it was for the majority, such as in Prohibition — the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, rejected only by Rhode Island, and repealed by the 21st. In various states after reconstruction, we also saw repressive legislation such as poll taxes and literacy requirements that effectively removed voting as a right from Black Americans. To our national shame, none of these worked and all eventually were voted out by more rational and compassionate generations that followed.
Here we are again, with a 21st century version. It is difficult to believe that anyone who can function day to day could buy into that tripe. Perhaps they are not so far from Blanche DuBois as one might suppose.
If we have four or five legislators who find that reason, compassion and courage now, we won’t have to endure the bitter campaign to drastically alter our commonwealth’s marriage laws to conform for the first time to narrow religious doctrine. We won’t for the first time in Massachusetts join the list of repressive and regressive states that try to strip small groups of citizens of existing rights.
A word to the wise…a word to the compassionate…a word to the lovers of liberty…no on this hateful amendment.
Cross-posted at Marry in Massachusetts.
I am so glad to see this here. How Well put! Everyone needs to make their opinions known and their voices heard between now and the Con-Con on Thursday. Let’s not give this Amendment a chance to ruin the next two years…
Everyone knows they can recommend an article, AND comment on it, right? (hint-hint)
I will never understand the appeal of direct democracy.
Virtually every article of the Bill of Rights is designed to be a check on the power of the majority AND the government.
Happy Hosty?
Or, maybe the “majority” is consumed by cowardice, I do not know. Were the majority of Germans REALLY in favor of exterminating jews? Or just too afraid to speak up.
Again, I agree with Charlie – marriage is no business of the states and a civil contract for partnership. If folk want to also get a religious blessing, well, “God Bless” to them.
And, the truth of the matter is that personal honor and commitment are what actually cause any marriage to last. No one “loves” let alone “likes” any other human being 100% of the time.
From time to time I teach a class called, “The secrets of making a marraige survive – from a Divorce Lawyer”…so I should know.
Just shut your mouth and do what your wife tells you.
As a teacher – I can’t believe you would say something like that.
You have no respect for people havING an opinion or point of view based on their religion?
Leave your Nazi imagery and divorce lawyer tactics at home.
And stop using the Holocaust when talking about this issue.
My, my, my…are we a bit defensive here, and do we have some control issues — ordering commenters about?
If you give AmberPaw’s comment a read, you’ll see that she alludes to the ovine critters, those who would be sheep-like herded by the extremists. Also, it is you making the Nazi comparison and you jumping from one particular to the other with your religion interjection.
Deborah notes the risk of passivity in the face of those who would harm others, regardless of how they go about it. I concur that this is what is happening here. We should not get pushed around like sheep because some group feels strongly. They are entitled to their emotions, but that doesn’t mean we have to agree with them and certainly not that we should vote their way.
…the denial of equal rights for homosexuals, viz. same sex marriage, is part and parcel of the right wingnuts’ plans to roll back equal rights for homos across the board.
If they can accomplish it in Massachusetts, they will be able to accomplish it anywhere. And they know it, and that is why the wingnuts are putting so much stock in Massachusetts–the state that was the birthplace of the Abolitionist movement.
Apparently, you are also ignorant of the fact that the Nazi Endloesung–the “Final Solution”–was the result of the fact that, despite Nazi entreaties, other countries, including the US, were unwilling to accept Jews who wanted to escape Nazi domination. That showed full well that the other countries didn’t give a tinker’s damn (I would call it a flying f*ck) for Jews.
And it’s obvious that more than a few people in the US don’t give a tinker’s damn for gay people.
So, yes, there are more than a few parallels. Fortunately, IBM is not working for the US government now to categorize gay people, like they did with the Nazi government in the 1930s regarding–Jews and, yes, gay people.
It’s not to mess with Raj when German history is the issue.
Well said.
“I will never understand the appeal of direct democracy.”
Hmm….sounds like I’m not the only one who just got back from open town meeting….