The Republican reports today that
A group of 102 area residents, ranging from lawyers to ministers has publicly called on the state Legislature to preserve gay marriage rather than allow a ballot question on the issue in 2008.
Those opposing the amendment included
“I think it should be a civil right that all people have and that our courts have already said is a civil right in our commonwealth that gay people can be married,” Straley said. “I think it is time to put this divisive issue behind us.
“On a more personal note, I have a child who is gay, and I want that child to have all the rights that I have,” Straley said.
The paper also included opposing comments from Kris Mineau, an anti-equality preacher who can’t stop lying about the petition
“I think what we have here is about 100 individuals saying their status in our commonwealth is more important than the 170,000 law abiding citizens who signed the petition to have the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage,” Mineau said.
Mineau’s group VOM is currently broadcasting this prevarication over the radio (listen to ad #1 here). Thou shalt not bear false witness, Kris! Sure, you got 170,000 names on the petition, but not by 170,000 law-abiding citizens. (About 50,000 of them were disqualified by the state because they were faked, forged, etc. Who would Jesus dupe? But I digress…)
Western MA legislators, take heart! Vote for fairness and equality and you will be in very good company indeed! Vote for institutionalized discrimination, and join the ranks of fibbing clergy like Mr. Mineau.
The California Assembly again passed a marriage equality bill. The legislation goes next to the senate, where it is expected to pass. The same bill passed in both chambers in the last legislative session, only to be vetoed by Gov. Schwarzeneggar. No matter. The momentum is clear: Civil Unions hot off the pen in New Hampshire, and the amazing second passage of a marriage equality bill in California.
Take home message: in both cases, the legislative actions were completely voluntary, not court-ordered as in MA and elsewhere. C’mon Bay State legislators – catch the wave!