We will be there to greet the audience, hand out flyers as they leave, perhaps testify to the tragedies witnessed on the front lines of America?s healthcare meltdown. Most of all, they?ll be there to convince the moviegoers that we can make change happen starting now.
This is a historic opportunity to turn movie audiences into patient advocates and healthcare reformers?but we need your help! We urge activist movie-goers to attend the screenings and distribute information about how we can solve the healthcare crisis by supporting guaranteed healthcare on the single-payer model. Sign-up with here, and we?ll send you specifics along with a PDF flyer to hand out soon. Purchase your movie tickets, print and distribute our PDF flyers (when available), and bring friends! Thank you.
This call for 3,000 SiCKO activists for June 29th is the first activity in a national campaign that includes screenings, premiers, marches, protests, legislative briefings, and press conferences around the country. The fun kicks off in California June 12, when Moore will give a special legislative briefing to the California Senate before being escorted by 1,000 registered nurses to an exclusive screening of SiCKO for healthcare providers and activists.
Wear something red, scrubs if you have them, and as the event draws near, we’ll send you links to download “red scrub” buttons, fans, and handouts. Once the movie schedule is announced, we?ll send you everything you need. All you have to do is round up a couple buddies and, when possible, buy your tickets online.
Here?s the plan:
Friday night, June 29th, we aim to have a registered nurse, doctor, patient, or other patient advocate at every SiCKO opening night around the country. They?ll be there to greet the audience, hand out flyers as they leave, perhaps testify to the tragedies witnessed on the front lines of America?s healthcare meltdown. Most of all, they?ll be there to convince the moviegoers that we can make change happen starting now. Please go here to sign up.
Why SiCKO? Because it puts on the big screen what nurses see every day: a healthcare industry that has abandoned its caring mission in favor of the pursuit of profit at any cost. For the first time, patients and caregivers have a voice, and we need to use it to demand an end to these abusive healthcare corporations. SiCKO changes everything.
And that?s why we have a chance to change healthcare politics in this nation. The insurance industry and drug companies are already worried. All we need now is for you to help us make SiCKO?s opening night a truly transformative event. There has never been a national moment like these simultaneous 3,000 screenings. This is our chance to change the world. Let’s take it.
Again, please go here to sign up:
* National Nurses Organizing Committee Sicko Premier Sign-Up
* Physicians for National National Health Program Campaign Sign-Up
In his brilliant new documentary Sicko, Michael Moore gets it completely right. The problem is not enough insurance or even making insurance “affordable.” It?s the insurance industry itself. Until we can pry our health out of the cold, cruel hands of the insurers, the system will never fundamentally change, and millions of Americans will continue to be abandoned and mistreated. Moore explains with heart wrenching profiles of people with insurance who are nonetheless denied the care they need. None of those individuals need more insurance, they need more care. He then deconstructs the insurance based system to show us how it works, and how the industry maintains its power through the buying and selling of Congress. And, Moore contrasts our healthcare debacle with other industrialized countries where enriching the private insurance industry is not the first focus of healthcare policy.
For more information on this action, see why “We Don’t Need Insurance, We Need Guaranteed Health Care”
Alphabetic List of State Organizations Promoting Real Universal Health Care – Find Friends Near You:
CA Nurses Association: http://www.calnurses…
CA Physicians? Alliance: http://capa.pnhp.org…
CA Health Care for All: http://www.healthcar…
CA One-Care-Now: http://www.onecareno…
CO Health Care for All: http://www.healthcar…
CT Coalition for Universal Health Care: http://cthealth.serv…
DE Informed Civic/Political Coalition: http://deinformedvot…
FL PNHP: http://www.tbpnhp.or…
FL for Health Security: http://www.ffhs.org/
GA for a Common Sense Health Plan: http://www.commonsen…
IL Health Care for All: http://www.healthcar…
IN Hoosiers for Commonsense Health Plan: http://www.hchp.info…
IO Students for National Health Plan: http://snhp1.tripod….
KY PNHP: http://www.kyhealthc…
ME People’s Alliance: http://www.mainepeop…
MD Health Care for All Coaltion: http://www.healthcar…
MA Campaign for Single Payer: http://www.masscare….
MA Affordable Health Insurance for Everyone: http://healthcarefor…
MA Alliance to Defend Health Care: http://www.massdefen…
MI Universal Health Care Access Network: http://www.michuhcan…
MN Universal Health Care Coalition: http://www.muhcc.org…
MN Citizens Organized Acting Together: http://www.coact.org…
MO for Single Payer Healthcare: http://www.mosp.us/….
MS PNHP: http://www.pnhp-mo.o…
NH PNHP: http://www.granitest…
NY Metro Chapter of PNHP: http://www.pnhpnyc.o…
NY State Capital District PNHP: http://capitaldistri…
NC Committee to Defend Health Care: http://www.ncdefendh…
OH Single-Payer Action Network: http://www.spanohio….
OR Health Care for All: http://www.healthcar…
PA Philly Area Committee to Defend Health Care: http://www.phillyhea…
RI Everybody In-Nobody Out: http://www.everybody…
TX Health Care for All: http://www.healthcar…
UT Health Alliance: http://www.utahhealt…
VT Health Care for All: http://www.vthca.org…
WA Health Care for All: http://ww
WA PNHP: http://www.pnhpweste…
WV Mountain State PNHP: http://mountainstate…
WI Coalition for Health: http://www.wisconsin…
WY Voices Foundation: http://www.wyoming-v…
For Single-Payer Actions in Your State:
More State Contacts:
State-by-State Legislation in Process:
Health Care Facts in Your State: