David’s post on healthcare must-sees led me to John McDonough’s excellent writing, which led me to the Mitt Romney for President website. (No, really.) Despite myself, I kept reading and reading, drawn in with a sick “I can’t belp but watch” kind of feeling. I was especially interested in the “Five Brothers” blog posts by the 5 Romney boys. Oh, and the occasional recipe posting by their wives.
I have to return to the dog, Seamus, whom Mitt tied to the roof of a car for a day-long trip.
Ann Romney writes:
Our First Dog – Seamus
Mitt and I love our dogs. Seamus was our first–an Irish setter. When I wasn’t at home, Mitt let him sleep on the bed. And usually when he was riding in the car, his head was out the window. Seamus lived to a ripe old age, basking in the affection of a large family.
Surprise, surprise, the media didn’t get the dog story right. Our dog Seamus rode in an ENCLOSED kennel, not in the open air. And he loved it. Every time he saw it, he jumped up on the tailgate, walked in, and lay down. It was just like the kennel he curled up in at home.
We are a dog family. Casey was our Bichon, McKenzie our Golden, and Marley our Weimaraner. Marley had 8 puppies, which Mitt delivered all night for her one summer.
When she died last year, she was in Mitt and our arms, and we all cried. Yes, we love our dogs.
Now horses, that’s my love too. Mitt rides them–I love them. But that’s another blog.
Children who torture animals for fun are more likely to be abusers of people. Serial killers and murders often abused animals as children and young adults. How can anyone believe that compassion and empathy possibly can be found in a man who disregarded basic good treatment of a “beloved” family pet while traveling in pursuit of his own enjoyment??? Any person who owns a dog or even LIKES dogs a little bit can’t imagine tying a dog to a roof rack and driving for a day, regardless of whether the kennel was open or enclosed. There’s no way that dog was eager to get in the kennel after that hellish trip.
That one anecdote – told with a laugh by one of the Five Brothers – says much about the humanity of Mitt Romney. Ann Romney thinks the media made too much of that story; I think not enough was made of it.
The Fraud absentee ex-governor’s campaign in their happy little blame-the-media prose failed to mention “Tagg”. Is “Tagg” the other pet? No. I’m really uncertain now what’s worse: strapping your dog+carrier to the roof or naming one of your children “Tagg”.
Tagg, through the Boston Globe (a newspaper that doesn’t make this shit up) tells us:
The ride was largely what you’d expect with five brothers, ages 13 and under, packed into a wagon they called the ”white whale.”
As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble. ”Dad!” he yelled. ”Gross!” A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who’d been riding on the roof in the wind for hours.
As the rest of the boys joined in the howls of disgust, Romney coolly pulled off the highway and into a service station. There, he borrowed a hose, washed down Seamus and the car, then hopped back onto the highway. It was a tiny preview of a trait he would grow famous for in business: emotion-free crisis management.
Most pet owners with any conscience will stop periodically in order that the animal in their care can take a dump. Instead, Willard Mitt the Fraud just drove on until the call of nature could no longer be denied. Then he washed it all away, leaving the stink behind.
Will he bomb IRAN with the same “emotion-free” management? Start more wars and then leave the bits for the next administration to clean up?
Perhaps he got his stuff-back-your-emotions training firing employees and destroying perfectly good companies to make profit for Bain.
ROMNEY IS A FRAUD. America cannot sustain another one.
been beaten to death yet?
What I find particularly touching is the part “Marley had 8 puppies, which Mitt delivered all night for her one summer.”
What would dogs do without humans to deliver their puppies for them? Those poor, helpless animals. At least cats have the wherewithall to deliver their kittens all by themselves.
I’d rather call FedEx or UPS.