It’s true. He says so right here
Evidently the Boston Police can’t go in to break up those college keg parties in Brighton w/o a warrant.
According to Attorny Tudor 586 this would be a violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment
Hmm, I always thought a warrant was not needed when the offense was occurring in plain view.
In Barry’s Scott case the plain view was hearing the loud music from outside the party after rsponding for the third time and recieving assurance the prior two visits that the party would quiet down.
Does Atorney Tudor 586 want more rights for gays than staright people have?
What other laws should P-Town police disregard for fear of being charged with gay bashing?
To the all new BMG. I have to ask, Ernie, do you have naked pictures of one of the three amigos or something?