2.) One guy said College Republicans are more active and organized on campus; that’s true becuase a.) the minority always has to be more organized and b.) the rest of us are going out on dates and and going to non-lame social events.
3.) Hearing Delay’s comment about how abortion causes illegal immigration – wow. The rational, reasonable side will never win because we have to spend too much time fighting utter lies like that one and “We’re fighting them in Iraq so we don’t fight them here”.
4.) The College Republicans shown in this clip are a bunch of, excuse my bluntness, pussies. Talking points-regurgitating pussies.
5.) The fantastic bumper sticker shown at the end, “Draft College Republicans”, dovetails nicely into Keith Olbermann’s latest Special Comment: “Then take [this war] into your own hands, Mr. Bush. Go to Baghdad now and fulfill, finally, your military service obligations. Go there and fight, your war?yourself.”
This video is failed with failed fraternity pledges and their spacey hangers-on. Just creepy.
Interesting re Delay’s line on abortion and illegal immigration: he clearly expected that to be an applause line, and even the CRs didn’t bite. Maybe they were too busy drooling to actually listen to what he said…you know, like they do with Bush.
And they’ll be touting of democratic talking points like good little robots, too.
– College Republican events are NOT lame, and I would credit them to more than a few nights of non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry.
– Notice nobody clapped for DeLay’s asinine comment? gasp Could it be…daresay..disagreement? I’m a CR and I sure as hell disagree with his analysis.
There’s also a fundamental problem with Max’s point of the CRs who aren’t fighting in Iraq. I have personally met quite a few CRs who are either there now, or have already come back from Iraq. If Max planned on making this an honest show at all, he’d have mentioned that Nick Miccarelli, Whom was elected National Co-Chairman is a decorated Army Staff Sergeant (and the youngest of such rank in his brigade) who has served in both Kosovo and Iraq. Yeah, he’s a pussy.
Out of the hundreds of people there, Max easily could edit his video to make it seem like everyone was some moronic tool. However, I would have to agree with Laurel that the closeted guy is actually quite sad. Nobody should be put in a position like that.
However, this video is 99% full of shit. Being very active in this organization, I am qualified to make such a statement. Full. Of. Shit.
And they’ll be touting of democratic talking points like good little robots, too.
1. you agree the GOPers depicted were robots. Interesting.
2. Dem talking points seldom call for the vilification of fellow citizens, rapine of other nations and the local underclasses, and warmongering. Do you see the difference?
– College Republican events are NOT lame
Are too are too are too! But you almost had me convinced with your use of CAPS.
and I would credit them to more than a few nights of non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry.
Does the compulsion to publicly confirm masculinity no longer end with HS graduation?
Notice nobody clapped for DeLay’s asinine comment? *gasp* Could it be…daresay..disagreement? I’m a CR and I sure as hell disagree with his analysis.
What does it say about repubs who charge, sabres drawn, with the womb-control brigade when they personally don’t believe in it?
Your crusade to make fun of everything I say is quickly becoming a lesson in how to never be witty.
However, I will respond to your last “rebuttal”.
I disagree with the concept that abortion causes illegal immigration. This is pure bologna. However, I do notice a bit of irony, calling the pro-lifers as the ones with “sabres drawn“
they’re pro-womb-control. if they were pro life, they, like pope john paul, would be vigorously opposed to starting or participating in this war. real pro-lifers would also campaign for suspension of the death penalty. tell me when i can stop holding my breath.
And I know a lot of fellow CRs who also fit the pro-life trifecta. Hopefully we can make a difference.
i’m not sure by your answer in what way you fit which categories. are you saying you are pro-choice, anti-war and anti-death penalty? or some other configuration?
Pro-life, anti-death penalty and anti-war.
how are you received amongst the party faithful when you speak up against the war and the death penalty? those must be difficult positions to take within the GOP. or, do you see a generational shift in GOP positioning on these issues?
I am received very well by my party despite there are positions I take that one would not view as mainstream. There are a lot of people in the GOP, especially in my age group, who think that the war in Iraq is a huge blunder. Yes, I do think there is a generational shift. Take facebook for example. On facebook, which is still primarily high school and college students, you can choose to support a political candidate for ’08. Here are some numbers on the GOP candidates.
Mitt Romney: 11,772 supporters
Rudy Guiliani: not on facebook
Fred Thompson: 5,424 supporters
John McCain: 5,361 Supporters
Tom Tancredo: 683 Supporters
Here is the shift apparent:
Ron Paul: 13,833 supporters.
The Republican party is probably going to shift Libertarian within a couple of decades. There is a push for Libertarians to register Republican and vote for Dr. Paul in the primary. While I see this as a longshot, it speaks a lot for the direction of the party.
So no, it’s not difficult being where I am, politically. Even my shift to a pro-gay marriage position was accepted with little debate. However, don’t go expecting any CRs to rootin and tootin for big government subsidies and huge government programs. We’re still conservatives.
What is worth noting, Joe, is that Tom Delay, the architect of the late Republican majority, clearly thought the connection between illegal immigration and abortion was a winner. And frankly, he comes much closer to representing the mindset of the Republican leadership than does a collection of college Republicans.
And as an aside, anytime a bunch of college kids get together away from home/family/girlandboyfriends, you can expect lots of (illegal) drinking and lots of hooking up. You’re not special in that vein. That said, a night with the Alex P Keaton Club isn’t my idea of a good time…
I was just saying that we’re the same. As in not boring. I totally had to google Alex P Keaton too. Now I know who it is, and I give you 30 points for a good reference. I love supply-side economics.
Also, a collection of college republicans is the future of the republican leadership. Keep that in mind.
Patrick McHenry was a treasurer of the College Republicans, and now he’s an up-and-comer in the Republican party. After running Rick Lazio’s campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2000, he was elected to the NC State House, then the House of Representatives. Rep. McHenry’s in the past has said that
“[Democrats] have also ignored small businesses with health care”, has referred to a female Democratic Congressman as a man repeatedly, and watched an aide be arrested for voter fraud.
Of course, much of this is forgivable because of his only memorable moment thus far in his congressional career: Barney Frank’s Punching Bag:
I would credit [CR events] to more than a few nights of non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry.
So a.) CR’s like you don’t practice abstinence only
b.) You drank underage, so you’re obviously not one of those ‘Rule of Law’ Republicans. I mean, what part of illegal don’t you understand, Joe?
I’m just teasing you here, but it does seem that given the lack of abstinence only, the illegal underage drinking, the disagreement with Delay’s idiocy, and the fact that so many CRs are archatypical chicken-hawks, CRs really don’t stand for real Republican values.
Perhaps if you don’t feel abstinence only is good enough for you, tou should speak up against it within your party?
Given that men far outnumbered women in that video, there are a few possibilities with regards to this statement:
more than a few nights of non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry.
1. There are lots of gay College Republicans.
2. The few College Republican women really get around. Like a record.
3. You’re just plain full of crap.
4. You’re considered way more sexy than other College Republicans.
5. non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry doesn’t mean the same thing to you “family value” types as it does to a Godless Commie baby killing lib’rul like myself.
I’m referring to Massachusetts-based events, and some national ones. CPAC had a ton of chicks…and of course going to an event being attended by Smith, Wellesley and Mt. Holyoke, there’s never a shortage of cute conservative chicks.
Not much has changed with the College Republicans since the early 1980’s when I was one of “these” idiots! Thank God I saw the light and didn’t continue or I’d be a Log Cabin Republican now…
but I can’t stop laughing at the kid who is very very adamant that HE IS NOT GAY.
He seemed a bit agitated about the topic.
if he’s not actually gay.
in a very tragic sort of comedy. i feel so sad for people like that. i hope he comes to his senses before he rides too long on the kick-the-queers bandwagon and becomes another Foley or Haggard or Vitter or any of those other publicly by-the-Bible, privately buy-the-booty professional moralists.
It’s fitting that the college wingnuts had Tom Delay as a keynote speaker for a couple of reasons.
2.) Delay, like Cheney & Bush is in the Chickenhawk Pantheon. This is from a 2002 interview with Delay:
KARL:…..That from John Kerry, obviously trying to make much of the fact that he is somebody who has served in war, he is somebody who has seen battle. What do you say to John Kerry?
DELAY: Well, the last I remember, Senator John Kerry was against the war in Vietnam even though he served in it, and went around the country undermining the military overseas in trying to fight this war and giving aid to those that were trying to run the war from Washington, DC
If we had had the leadership of a George W. Bush back in the Vietnam War days, we probably would not have lost that war. We would have gone in and won it. We would have given our soldiers the kinds of weapons that they needed. We would not have the rules of engagement that the liberals put on them. We would have allowed them to win this war.
…I’ll merely point out a couple of web sites that are relevant to this topic. I can’t go on at length.
Do a google search for “yellow elephants.org”
Do a google search for (and this is rather off the beaten track) “chickenhawk database”
And, by the way, JoeTS should do a search for the Devil’s Dictionary, the definition for “patriot.” I doubt that JoeTS will understand it, but it is quite profound. JoeTS is a perfect example of a “patriot” described there.
tblade says
1.) Damn, our education system sucks.
2.) One guy said College Republicans are more active and organized on campus; that’s true becuase a.) the minority always has to be more organized and b.) the rest of us are going out on dates and and going to non-lame social events.
3.) Hearing Delay’s comment about how abortion causes illegal immigration – wow. The rational, reasonable side will never win because we have to spend too much time fighting utter lies like that one and “We’re fighting them in Iraq so we don’t fight them here”.
4.) The College Republicans shown in this clip are a bunch of, excuse my bluntness, pussies. Talking points-regurgitating pussies.
5.) The fantastic bumper sticker shown at the end, “Draft College Republicans”, dovetails nicely into Keith Olbermann’s latest Special Comment: “Then take [this war] into your own hands, Mr. Bush. Go to Baghdad now and fulfill, finally, your military service obligations. Go there and fight, your war?yourself.”
sabutai says
This video is failed with failed fraternity pledges and their spacey hangers-on. Just creepy.
Interesting re Delay’s line on abortion and illegal immigration: he clearly expected that to be an applause line, and even the CRs didn’t bite. Maybe they were too busy drooling to actually listen to what he said…you know, like they do with Bush.
joets says
And they’ll be touting of democratic talking points like good little robots, too.
– College Republican events are NOT lame, and I would credit them to more than a few nights of non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry.
– Notice nobody clapped for DeLay’s asinine comment? gasp Could it be…daresay..disagreement? I’m a CR and I sure as hell disagree with his analysis.
There’s also a fundamental problem with Max’s point of the CRs who aren’t fighting in Iraq. I have personally met quite a few CRs who are either there now, or have already come back from Iraq. If Max planned on making this an honest show at all, he’d have mentioned that Nick Miccarelli, Whom was elected National Co-Chairman is a decorated Army Staff Sergeant (and the youngest of such rank in his brigade) who has served in both Kosovo and Iraq. Yeah, he’s a pussy.
Out of the hundreds of people there, Max easily could edit his video to make it seem like everyone was some moronic tool. However, I would have to agree with Laurel that the closeted guy is actually quite sad. Nobody should be put in a position like that.
However, this video is 99% full of shit. Being very active in this organization, I am qualified to make such a statement. Full. Of. Shit.
laurel says
1. you agree the GOPers depicted were robots. Interesting.
2. Dem talking points seldom call for the vilification of fellow citizens, rapine of other nations and the local underclasses, and warmongering. Do you see the difference?
Are too are too are too! But you almost had me convinced with your use of CAPS.
Does the compulsion to publicly confirm masculinity no longer end with HS graduation?
What does it say about repubs who charge, sabres drawn, with the womb-control brigade when they personally don’t believe in it?
joets says
Your crusade to make fun of everything I say is quickly becoming a lesson in how to never be witty.
However, I will respond to your last “rebuttal”.
I disagree with the concept that abortion causes illegal immigration. This is pure bologna. However, I do notice a bit of irony, calling the pro-lifers as the ones with “sabres drawn“
laurel says
they’re pro-womb-control. if they were pro life, they, like pope john paul, would be vigorously opposed to starting or participating in this war. real pro-lifers would also campaign for suspension of the death penalty. tell me when i can stop holding my breath.
joets says
And I know a lot of fellow CRs who also fit the pro-life trifecta. Hopefully we can make a difference.
laurel says
i’m not sure by your answer in what way you fit which categories. are you saying you are pro-choice, anti-war and anti-death penalty? or some other configuration?
joets says
Pro-life, anti-death penalty and anti-war.
laurel says
how are you received amongst the party faithful when you speak up against the war and the death penalty? those must be difficult positions to take within the GOP. or, do you see a generational shift in GOP positioning on these issues?
joets says
I am received very well by my party despite there are positions I take that one would not view as mainstream. There are a lot of people in the GOP, especially in my age group, who think that the war in Iraq is a huge blunder. Yes, I do think there is a generational shift. Take facebook for example. On facebook, which is still primarily high school and college students, you can choose to support a political candidate for ’08. Here are some numbers on the GOP candidates.
Mitt Romney: 11,772 supporters
Rudy Guiliani: not on facebook
Fred Thompson: 5,424 supporters
John McCain: 5,361 Supporters
Tom Tancredo: 683 Supporters
Here is the shift apparent:
Ron Paul: 13,833 supporters.
The Republican party is probably going to shift Libertarian within a couple of decades. There is a push for Libertarians to register Republican and vote for Dr. Paul in the primary. While I see this as a longshot, it speaks a lot for the direction of the party.
So no, it’s not difficult being where I am, politically. Even my shift to a pro-gay marriage position was accepted with little debate. However, don’t go expecting any CRs to rootin and tootin for big government subsidies and huge government programs. We’re still conservatives.
sabutai says
What is worth noting, Joe, is that Tom Delay, the architect of the late Republican majority, clearly thought the connection between illegal immigration and abortion was a winner. And frankly, he comes much closer to representing the mindset of the Republican leadership than does a collection of college Republicans.
And as an aside, anytime a bunch of college kids get together away from home/family/girlandboyfriends, you can expect lots of (illegal) drinking and lots of hooking up. You’re not special in that vein. That said, a night with the Alex P Keaton Club isn’t my idea of a good time…
joets says
I was just saying that we’re the same. As in not boring. I totally had to google Alex P Keaton too. Now I know who it is, and I give you 30 points for a good reference. I love supply-side economics.
Also, a collection of college republicans is the future of the republican leadership. Keep that in mind.
sabutai says
Patrick McHenry was a treasurer of the College Republicans, and now he’s an up-and-comer in the Republican party. After running Rick Lazio’s campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2000, he was elected to the NC State House, then the House of Representatives. Rep. McHenry’s in the past has said that
“[Democrats] have also ignored small businesses with health care”, has referred to a female Democratic Congressman as a man repeatedly, and watched an aide be arrested for voter fraud.
Of course, much of this is forgivable because of his only memorable moment thus far in his congressional career: Barney Frank’s Punching Bag:
tblade says
So a.) CR’s like you don’t practice abstinence only
b.) You drank underage, so you’re obviously not one of those ‘Rule of Law’ Republicans. I mean, what part of illegal don’t you understand, Joe?
I’m just teasing you here, but it does seem that given the lack of abstinence only, the illegal underage drinking, the disagreement with Delay’s idiocy, and the fact that so many CRs are archatypical chicken-hawks, CRs really don’t stand for real Republican values.
Perhaps if you don’t feel abstinence only is good enough for you, tou should speak up against it within your party?
stomv says
Given that men far outnumbered women in that video, there are a few possibilities with regards to this statement:
1. There are lots of gay College Republicans.
2. The few College Republican women really get around. Like a record.
3. You’re just plain full of crap.
4. You’re considered way more sexy than other College Republicans.
5. non-lonely (wink) drunken revelry doesn’t mean the same thing to you “family value” types as it does to a Godless Commie baby killing lib’rul like myself.
joets says
I’m referring to Massachusetts-based events, and some national ones. CPAC had a ton of chicks…and of course going to an event being attended by Smith, Wellesley and Mt. Holyoke, there’s never a shortage of cute conservative chicks.
david says
too sexy for his car …
joets says
ed-prisby says
That was kind of creepy.
mojoman says
wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?
joets says
Come on guys, where’s the free love?
tblade says
…until you leave the abstinence-only party.
Thems the rules.
tblade says
…the abstinence-only, heterosexual-only party.
joets says
We can have people who are both pro and anti-abstinence only. It’s sunny out…maybe you want to leave your party? Our tent’s bigger.
tblade says
Prove it!
(BTW, I’m registered as an independent)
alexander says
Not much has changed with the College Republicans since the early 1980’s when I was one of “these” idiots! Thank God I saw the light and didn’t continue or I’d be a Log Cabin Republican now…
potroast says
but I can’t stop laughing at the kid who is very very adamant that HE IS NOT GAY.
He seemed a bit agitated about the topic.
jpsox says
if he’s not actually gay.
laurel says
in a very tragic sort of comedy. i feel so sad for people like that. i hope he comes to his senses before he rides too long on the kick-the-queers bandwagon and becomes another Foley or Haggard or Vitter or any of those other publicly by-the-Bible, privately buy-the-booty professional moralists.
mojoman says
It’s fitting that the college wingnuts had Tom Delay as a keynote speaker for a couple of reasons.
1.) Delay is under indictment for Money Laundering in Texas, a Felony
2.) Delay, like Cheney & Bush is in the Chickenhawk Pantheon. This is from a 2002 interview with Delay:
raj says
…I’ll merely point out a couple of web sites that are relevant to this topic. I can’t go on at length.
Do a google search for “yellow elephants.org”
Do a google search for (and this is rather off the beaten track) “chickenhawk database”
And, by the way, JoeTS should do a search for the Devil’s Dictionary, the definition for “patriot.” I doubt that JoeTS will understand it, but it is quite profound. JoeTS is a perfect example of a “patriot” described there.