UPDATE: According to CNN, Bush resumed power at 9:21 EST this morning. The story states that “Doctors removed five small polyps from President Bush’s colon on Saturday, and ‘none appeared worrisome,’ a White House spokesman said.” Time to do a finger count on Cheney! The story goes on to report that Cheney
…spent the morning at his home on Maryland’s eastern shore, reading and playing with his dogs…Nothing occurred that required him to take official action as president before Bush reclaimed presidential power.
OK, no official action was required. Did we care about required actions? No. Do tell, what were the unnecessary official actions the temp president took while playing with his puppies?
This Saturday, President Bush will undergo a colonoscopy. During those hours, Cheney will be acting president. How do you predict Cheney will comport himself during his brief ascendancy to the
throneOffice of the President?
I forgot that answer order gets rearranged once voting has commenced. The answer beginning “scratch that” refers to the “Bunker down” answer. Just in case ya wanted ta know, dontcha know?
He’s also not part of the executive branch but his own fourth branch.
I think the Republic will survive.
… the republic. Cheney and the Bushists have already marked the Constitution eyes-only and shredded it anyway.
Announces “Obama I am your father!”
…you have failed me for the last time!
That was soooo much better than mine!
his morning as POTUS with a nice cup o’ Shoot Somebody in the Head.
My friends and I often play a game where we post a headline, then ask “Real or Onion?” This contender was, in fact, real.