What more is there I can say about cry baby Dan conley’s unprofessional behaivor this weekend? You see what I have been saying? Light weight.The best part about the GLOBE story is his threat of bringing in the state police to handle homicides. Right next to the story is a story about the state police crime lab not testing 16,000 submissions.
Please share widely!
Today’s Herald.
Does he work at it?
This guy is clearly a lackluster piss poor attorney at best and an incompetant moron at worst, yet he was re-elected with over 70% of the vote in 2006. If he really was this bad there should have been a challenger and he or she should have cleared this guy out. Instead the voters choose to put an unqualified man for the job in the position.
Unless there is a recall initiative I am unaware of this idiot is going to be there for another three years, and likely another four after.
but his opponent, Brian Honan, died suddenly during the campaign. EB3 has implied that Conley may have made a Faustian bargain.
I think he sold his soul to the devil.