Our ex-part-time Guv dove headfirst into the Hillary/Obama talking-with-bad-people fray:
Talk of sitting down with Castro is heresy in Miami, and GOP hopeful Mitt Romney, angling for a slice of the powerful Cuban-American vote, joined the fray Tuesday by suggesting that Obama “demonstrated a dangerous naiveté.”
You know what I’d call “dangerous naiveté”? Mouthing one of Castro’s own slogans to a Cuban-American audience. Dangerous to one’s own political prospects, that is — if not life and limb.
Thanks for the reminder, Mitt.
Please share widely!
The guy that uses Castro’s sign off ‘Patria o muerte, venceremos.’ in his speech to Cubans in Miami, then quotes from Scarface has no business lecturing anyone.
Can anyone imagine if we allowed Mitt to actually have an official role in discussing foreign policy?
picture’s worth a thousand words.
Can I steal the image for use on my blog sometime?
The question posed to the candidates was in itself “Dangerous naivete” because it lumped leaders like Chavez and Kim J… together into one “evil category.” It’s just as stupid as the “axis of evil” terminology. Chavez is not a threat to the United States.
More on Chavez: He isn’t perfect, but Bush is way way way worse. We have to remember that 5 media corporations own the news in our country and everything about the incredible revolution happening in Venezuala goes through that bias. Chavez has illiminated illiteracy. He was democratically elected by a vast, vast majority of the citizens in an election more clean and more monitored than ours here in the United States. The news channel he ousted was actually at the end of its contract, and had tried to engage in an illegal coup. In its place is an open more democratic channel that the locals have control over.
eliminated… haha… that’s what I get for blogging quickly while at work!
Bush is an evil totalitarian. Chavez, the peoples’ savior.
Aren’t Mao and Stalin dead yet?