Well, too bad for them. Because of the fact that, either way they lose, I am believing they are staving off the inevitable to allow themselves time enough to do damage control to salvage such of their draconian gun control laws as is possible. Parker, et al, I am sure, thought through all of this in advance, and indeed provide convincing argument needed to sway both the three-judge panel’s majority (two out of three ain’t bad; the Sox should bat as well!), and the remaining judges to forego an enbanc hearing.
Pretty Gosh-darned persuasive.
Now, these twits want to take on the Conservative Supremes. Given the pathetic nature of their arguments at the Appeals level, I’d say they’re not likely to convince an enbanc Supreme Court any more than they were likely to convince the enbanc District Court. The District advanced arguments against a plain-language 2nd in several areas, but the most ludicrous, the sophisticated collective rights interpretation, was harshly and soundly rejected by the Appeals Court.
The Brady Bunch, I am sure, was working overtime behind the scenes to prevent the District from this appeal. Ain’t egos wonderful?
There will be one of two outcomes here (the third, a reverse and remand, is impossible!) The first is an acceptance by SCOTUS, and concurrence with the Appeals Court. The second is that SCOTUS will decline to hear the appeal, allowing the ruling to stand, and keeping the Brady Bunch alive. I’m saying for sure, a 5-4 decision for Parker, and probably a 6-3. And if I were you, I wouldn’t count on Ginsberg to vote against Parker!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you that it is high damned time we accepted and understood and internalized that the Second Amendment, like the other nine, means just what it says, left-wing and Brady-bunch wordsmithing notwithstanding. And WHEN SCOTUS agrees, remember, you heard it here FIRST!
Oh, yeah. National Polls put the Democrat Congress’ approval rating at FOURTEEN PERCENT. Even, uh, DUBYA is doing better. Just thought I’d let you know y’all ain’t doing so good. Perhaps Nancy and Harry weren’t such good choices – – – but then, what do I know about Democrat Wisdom . . .