Jeff Drago is the clear frontrunner in this race. He has been involved in local Eastie politics for years serving on many boards as well as being an active member of the East Boston Democratic Ward Committee. Forget the fact that he is being supported by Mennino, Petruccelli, Travaglini and LaMattina. He is a great candidate in his own right. Being an East Boston resident I took the time to sit down with him over a cup of coffee and found that he is very good on our progressive issues, he is for Gay Marriage, for Immigrant Tuition, for a womans right to choose etc….
Lets not rule this guy out.
Check out his web site at
Gloribell is a wonderful young woman but has not been involved in Eastie politics very long. I just don’t see this as the right time for her to run. Perhaps in a few years the political winds might be right for her but not now.
Baisle although trying to pass himself off as a Democrat has worked diligently for Kerry Healy, Romney, Weld, Cellucci, Jenkin and Bush Cheney just to name a few of the Republican reaces he has been deeply involved in. Sorry but I don’t think Eastie will vote for a Republicrat no matter how charming he is.
As for Berringer I believe she is stil in the race. Her claim to fame is her opposition to the Airport. Not sure a one issue person with no real organization can go far in this race.
These are just my thoughts and observations as a lifelong resident and activist.
At a time when Petrocelli and Lamatina would have been (and may still be) likely to do the Mayor’s bidding on this proposed Suffolk Downs casino, maybe it’s about time Eastie elect someone not beholden to the latest Menino fantasy, but is actually more interested in the voters of that district.
Flat out: Gloribell is just the better candidate, and isn’t just the latest in a succession of the Menino hand-picked line.
played for the Red Sox. Petruccelli is the new Senator.
You are probably one of those bloggers that did’nt give Senator Petruccelli a chance in the recent senate special election either. Your assumption that the Senator has gone along with Mayor Menino on the idea of a casino resort at Suffolk Downs is uneducated at best. In fact, he is the only person who has been in the media making comments that there are a lot of questions that need to be addressed until anyone can consider it a good or bad idea. How can a use like a casino resort work without major changes to an already congested highway system on Route 1A? What are the impacts from urban casinos in the United States on local businesses and neighborhoods? These are just a couple of questions that have been raised by the Senator. This certainly dose not seem like he is doing anyone’s “bidding” except for the people who have entrusted him with that awsome responsibility of being their Senator.
I know Jeff Drago very well and before you sell him short like you seem to have done to others, you should get your facts straight. As has been the case on many issues, Senator Petruccelli has shown independence and leadership, yet still has strong ties to Mayor Menino and others in elected office. Just because Jeff Drago or any candidate for office has relationships with elected officials does not mean that they do not have their own opinions.
Thank you for your comment and for hopefully reading mine. For full disclosure, I am supporting Jeff Drago and I am Anthony Petruccelli.
or you are supporting him?
If that’s you posting, thank you. I read your questions regarding the Suffolk Downs casino. I appreciate that you have put some questions out there. But nowhere did I see you oppose it. I just saw some of the concerns you want mitigated.
As far as giving you a chance, there was never any doubt that you’d win the seat. Congrats on a great and smooth victory.
At the end of the day, the issue I have is that the Mayor put his operation in full swing to help get you elected. That’s his right, and yours too. But where my problem lies is how independent you can be from him after that has occurred. You can ask all the questions, but when he comes to you and says ‘I want this,’ can you say ‘no?’ Or can you just ask a lot of questions. I have the same concerns about Mr. Drago.
Already more than half the city council owe their jobs to the mayor’s active support, as do a number of our city’s legislators. As citizens in need of good independent leadership who’s first loyalty is to the voters of the city and not the mayor of the city, is this what we want?
Is this the representation we deserve?
I want to say Anthony let us down and gave away the right to claim independance of the Mayor when he let Eddie get bullied out of the race. I voted for your husband Alex, as a rep and for senator. I feel hurt and let down. I have always had a issue with the mayor running his former aides to expand influence but this has crossed the line. We should have picked from our list of great sons like Eddie, Richie and others. I understand helping anthony to make sure we don’t lose a seat to Revere but to start bullying OUR people is just too much.
This will be my final comment for this post, but I am compelled to respond.
To Thinking Liberally:
Having run successfully in two very competitive races, I wish that it was as simple as having the support of Mayor Menino or any other elected officials. However, as any candidate will honestly tell you, it is not. Every candidate must earn the confidence of the voter on their own. To suggest that there is a transfer of votes from an elected official to a candidate is ridiculous. A perfect example is the recent race for governor in Massachusetts. Attorney General Tom Reilly had a wealth of support from elected officials across the Commonwealth including the Mayor of Boston (I was with Gabrielli) and the result was that the better candidate who had the most resonating message won the race.
In my recent election, more than sixty percent of the district is made up of communities outside of the city of Boston. There were many people from those communities who helped me that would certainly disagree with your suggesstion that the Mayor got me elected.
On the issue of Suffolk Downs being a casino, when has asking questions ever been a signal of what a position on an issue is? There are many more questions than the few that I listed that are a part of the process to determine whether or not it is a good idea or a bad idea. Some might suggest that the intelligent and responsible thing to do is to get as many facts as possible before a position on such an important issue is taken. If the answers point me in the direction of being opposed to it, then that would be the case. However, it is my duty to get the appropriate level of information before a position is decided.
To Troy Turner78:
Maybe you know something that I do not. I do not want to speak for young Eddie, so if you are suggesting that I had anything to do with him not running, I would say that you should ask him that question. Eddie is a young man with a bright future and when he sees that it is the right time for him to run for office, nobody will be able to get him out of the race. Anyway, if Eddie had stayed in the race then someone like Thinking Liberally would say that he has too many ties to elected officials. Either way, as I have said in prior comments, the candidate and his or her organization wins a race, not who is with that person.
I have enjoyed the discussion and thank you all for your participation.
– Anthony Petruccelli
Senator, we ALL know that Eddie was forced not to run. I am tired of this “when the time is right” or “you have to wait your turn” talk. If you committ yourself completely and have the people at heart it is ALWAYS the right time. I am also disapponted in your down playing of the Mayors influence on all levels of our goverment. He is in charge of the system that elects candidates or some cases replaces candidates he does not agree with. You can’t fool all the people all of the time but if you fool a core group they can help spread your message and do your bidding. We see that with the case of the few connected developers and workers who get kobs building luxory condos but can’t take the money from that job and buy a house cause the market is too expensive. We see the connected and rspected members of the community who are comfortable handing us the people who live here for decades crumbs while the rich profit. they are in it for the power. The feeling of belonging to a group that runs things and spread the word so people feel like they are some how benefiting from this. We need honesty and independance. It is no big coincidance that you and others like Sal and Bobby are extremely supportive of the Mayor and you all execpt this corrupt culture and play with in it. This is the one issue that I completely disagree with the Mayor on. He hires and than runs candidates who are supportive of him. Lets just hope this race stays positive and make sure whoever wins represents us right.
Every knows that the mayor controls the city and several city councilors and state legislatures. So what? We know that a small few try to get poeple to blindly support the establishment using the “loyalty” card but that is getting old. People who fall for that crap are also to blame for what has happened to this community over the years. I kind of understand they are too afraid and lazy to work for real change so they rally behind whoever Mumbles supprts in hope of some recognition and a few favors. Lets stop whining and focus on the issues. They all know my mom and i don’t care. I owe no one but daughter and my community.
Jeff Drago is not the front runner in this race, Basile is, and, anyone that has been around East Boston this summer knows this very well. He is older, wiser, and much better organized than Jeff. Jeff will get all of the help in the world in this election, but, he’s going to need it if he’s even going to have a chance against Carlo. Carlo has the anti-Menino folks and the old bee hive hair do ladies in his corner, plus, he does better with neighborhood old timers and blue collar workers. Jeff is an unknown that is in WAY over his head. The only way he can win is to persuade Mary B. and Mota to drop out of the race and support him (which seems possible yet unlikely).
Who has been to Sorrento, Italy? I heard there’s an election over there this year?
Has anyone asked Jeff how he feels about the Casino proposal? Is it true that Rt.1A is slated to have at least 2 or 3 large “gentleman’s” clubs?
Not! But, when Carlo B gets in things will be different.