You said, “[Bullies] are only bullies until someone stands up to them. I am not one to be bullied, and I never was.”
O K. You start and I will respond. You stand up to me.
Tell me precisely what your problem with me is. But don’t choose anecdotal examples. Please start from the very beginning. When and where I attacked you for the first time. Start from the beginning.
Tell me that and you and I can go from there. You can stand up to me.
Please share widely!
I thought a little “High Noon” music would be appropo for the “showdown” !
This is gonna be great!
Cool, just like a John Wayne movie,
Ned Pepper, played by John Hosty: Those are pretty bold words for a one-eyed fat man.
EBIII as Rooster Cogburn: Fill your hand you son of a bitch.
i had different genre in mind
Give me a minute to spin one for the show.
to smile on this one, but you still need to back off. What the hell is going on around here that the BMG three are not talking. Seriously, are they in your basement?
I don’t want you to be banned Ernie, I just want you to stop ruining perfectly good dialog with stupid shit. Be funny, just learn when to turn it off.
I would have been here at three, but I to shut down the media room… đŸ˜‰
sounds more like wussying out to me. Complete with trying to butter me up. Remember me? the bully?
Grow the heck up, or at least take your little challenges elsewhere. We are supposed to be discussion issues, politics, and policy on this site.
This is all BMG is now. How sad.
This is funny. If you don”t like it, don’t read it.
we’re all up here in the balcony with our Ju Jubes, popcorn and a nice buzz on waiting for the fur to fly. C’mon John! Fluff up those little Yarbles and get in the ring!
When I was leaving for work this morning I thought I saw saw a tightly coiled pile of EB3 on my lawn. Much to my relief, it was only dog shit.
How’s that?
Look, it’s your job to make a sideshow out of BMG, not mine. I am here to do my thing, and talk to people who are genuinely interested in the same topics. You go your way, I’ll go mine, or do you intend to continue to harass me?
keep trying though
John and Ernie, I read through the dialogue for this diary, and tried to research some of the exchanges leading up to it (to no avail; I am puzzled as to how such different people can talk to each other in the same language, without actually communicating! But I digress — as usual!)
But part way through the humorously twisted and quippy posts in response, I discovered a fundamental truth, which I worry that perhaps most people on BlueMass miss. When a document demanding freedom from a people in no position to demand freedom is written (say, the Declaration of Independence, or even the Bill of Rights), not everyone is likely to read every word in the same interpretation. God knows, most of you do not read either document and come away with the same thoughts and emphases that I do!
We can discuss the meaning of “reality,” a hingepoint of BlueMass. And some of us wonder about the reality of the rest of you — and I am quite sure, there is reciprocity! But that is as it should be — there can be no political purity — the entire concept is BOGUS! Which is why this forum is so successful.
I will pack my gun, vote conservatively, and support the War on Terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will oppose liberal ideas that short-curcuit these necessities. Because that is who and what I am. Whether you differ to the extreme that I do from the liberal-ness that is BlueMass Hardcore, or whether you do not, we all need to internalize that this is a “Publick Forum,” and that an exchange of ideas can often get a bit testy. I/We will often wax both eloquent and differently. But we had best walk away thinking none the less of each other, else we are doomed as a society. You can’t have it all your way, nor can I. But in the end, we hang together, or some sumbitch will hang us all separately!
I’ll check back at the beginning of August. JFC.
you don’t read any part of the newspaper?
that’s your decision, but it says much about you.
Too bad she won’t read it until August.
I am guessing a reconciliation like that of Whitey Bulger and…
Sal Mineo!