It gets worse in a defense budget that is zooming to $648.8 billion. The nonpartisan budget watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense last month analyzed 309 Senate defense earmarks. Four of the top five “earmarkers” were not Republican hawks but centrist and liberal Democrats.
Levin led the way with 44 earmarks. Clinton was second with 26. Reed was fourth with 23, one behind Republican John Warner of Virginia. In fifth place was Charles Schumer of New York with 21. When asked if she saw any change in defense earmark behavior since the Democrats took back the House and the Senate, senior analyst Laura Peterson of the Taxpayers for Common Sense said over the telephone, “No.”
More proof the swamp is still full is the fact that only four of the top 10 senators in defense campaign contributions in the 2006 election cycle were Republicans. According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Democrats Kennedy, Clinton, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, Dianne Feinstein of California, Bill Nelson of Florida, and Democrat-turned-independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut collected 60 percent of the $1.4 million the industry lavished among the top 10.
Clearly they were also responsible for getting us into Iraq, keeping us in Iraq, and basically destroying Iraq and fomenting (not to mention perpetrating) terror and hatred. Kerry and Clinton stand out in my mind as the biggest hypocrites of them all. It disgusts me how Kerry got the unconditional support in 2004 of Democratic activists and others across the country who just wanted to get Bush out… but it disgusts me even more that in the 3 years since, and in the half-year that the Democrats have held power, that liberal Democrats have not held their party leaders accountable for a damn thing. I think it is time to follow the lead of Cindy Sheehan, and get out! Start to build the independent political alternative that we desperately need!
Keep in mind that in Massachusetts there is no longer any excuse — the Democratic supermajority AND a Democratic Governor should basically mean that the Democratic Party platform become the law of the land. It is frightening how far from that reality we are.
three days after the election upon receiving Nancy Pelosi’s thank you letter. She outlined “implimenting the recommendations of the 911 Commission, and they did with this HR 1 nonsense. It was the perfect endorsement of support for PNAC’s global war on terror and a green light for thousands of security and IT firms.
It was a galactic let down.
Well, we’ve all seen that before. They all smell the money to be made in the war. They’ll parade against the war an through an “all nighter” for the yokel voters, but they make the money off the war. Senator Feinstein is just one example. They’re in the business to make money, not for some ideals. The lobbyists have a lot more sway than you. They only have to please you every few years.
The only presidential candidates that seem true to their word is Gravel and Paul. And look at their chances.
Now the “look busy, the voters are watching!” party. Go along , and pretend to offer something different. Little wonder that the young are disgusted with both parties. Didn’t Blinky Nancy say that impeachment is off the table? What does she run?
When the Democrats only grouse about Mitt’s dog dying on a trip, I’m not too impressed. I still rather drive with Mitt than Ted. Why can’t the Democrats raise real issues? Are they as bankrupt as the Republicans? S-Shudder…
Do you think anyone but the Northern Yankees are going to protest the National ID? Both parties are arm in arm on this one, too. I can see the trouble now.
Is it too much to ask for something different? I keep getting the feeling that the Democrats are watching the criminals in the Republican Party and saying to each other, “Wow, I didn’t think they could get away with that!” “Wait ’til it’s our turn.”