Jim Braude’s NewsNight, talking about Hillary vs. Obama, and whether we should talk to dictators this year or next. Fun.
Update: Matt Yglesias says it better than I can.
Another update: Hello, foreign policy judgement. This is Obama from 2002:
We would have done well to have 51 Barack Obama clones in the Senate in 2002.
Please share widely!
Thanks for the “heads up”. I don’t usually watch news, but I have the TV on waiting for the segment you are to be on.
Well, he did NOT mention Ernie Boch, and he did do well. What I noticed was that the segment was “paid for” by the “Law Firm of Goulston & Storrs” – which has a VERY hitting “governmental affairs” department. All very interesting.
PS: Charlie – great haircut.
we should talk to dictators or not. It was should the PRESIDENT meet with dictors in his first year without any pre-conditions. Eh, they basically agree. This was a rhetorical argument, and Hillary played it well.