The AMA, HMO’s and the Major Health Care Insurance Companies don’t want a single payer helath care system because it’s not in their best “profitable” interests. The new Massachusetts health care plan is, in my opinion, the last chance for the private sector to prove that their way of proving health care “works”. By “works” I mean that it provdes helath care services as good or better as currently exists, lowers costs substantially for all subscribers and covers everyone without exception. If that doesn’t happen (and I doubt it will) then I expect increased support for a single payer system. If the rest of the industrialized world can do – why can’t we?
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and it’s an easy job in an air-conditioned office, with lots of friends to chat with, and a great health plan. Please don’t disrupt our cush lives.
I think we are seeing how bad the Mass system is. Its very expensive in terms of co-pays and a lot of people are excluded and some businesses are exempt. The problem in my mind with the healthcare system in my mind is the profits. My mother works for Wal-Mart and has for 20 yrs. She is the highest paid hourly person in the state of florida, her coverage is very poor. They deny coverage for almost everything, she has hardly had a claim in the 20 yrs but the few she does have they find a way to deny or delay for weeks. I used to have to call for weeks and weeks to get medicine for myself. I’d have to call the pharmacy, the insurance company, they’d lose paperwork and I’d get someone different to talk to each time. They try to discourage you in every way for courage. I went to work for the state house of reps and I had the same insurance company but you better believe if I sneezed the Insurance company would call me to ask if I needed anything. The average working family has to jump through hoops but because my boss and some others was the speaker of the house/governor we got everything when we wanted it for 50 bucks. 2,000 dollar medication 50 bucks. In my mind and experiences the profits are the problem.