We?ve devoted the last two months of our lives to organizing the March to Re-Energize New Hampshire. Wednesday morning, dozens of marchers will leave Nashua?s City Hall, bound for Concord to issue one of the loudest calls yet for real global warming solutions.
We know that soon ? very, very soon ? it?s going to be out of our hands, and into yours.
All that we?ve been able to do, all summer, is to create a container. We?ve set aside an empty space, which you and others can fill with your energy, voices, and power to create positive change. Quite literally, on Sunday August 5th, downtown Concord will be empty, ready to be filled with our feet, our voices, and our call for a prosperous, clean energy economy.
Can we move America towards cutting carbon 80% by 2050, and creating millions of clean energy jobs? If there?s anyone in this country that has this power, it?s Granite Staters, right here, right now. We know how to get things done, and we don?t wait around for someone else to make it happen. It?s time to tell our leaders to follow our lead.
What is it about walking that will give this movement its power? I have a feeling that our walking will deepen our commitment, to each other and to this wonderful, challenging and worthy endeavor. Plus, it?s not too often you see hundreds of people simply walking, from one place to another. We might just catch a bit of attention along the way, that we might not have otherwise. Here in New Hampshire, we are, in fact, holding the national megaphone; that means, we have a special privilege and responsibility to speak at this crucial and historic moment.
It?s out of our hands now, and up to you to make this happen. If ever there were a moment to move America towards a clean energy economy, it?s here and now.
Sign up to join us for the March to Re-Energize NH: Aug. 1-5, or the rally on Sunday, Aug. 5:
Zo Tobi
Community Organizer
Re-Energize New Hampshire
(603) 305-3825 (cell)