Awhile back I wrote that deep down Boston College Alumni know Holy Cross is a much better school. Naturally, it didn’t take long for a pair of whale pants to take the bait. We went back and forth and I pointed out how Holy Cross chose not to go big time in sports when it turned down an invitation to be a charter member of the Big East Basketball Conference. How BC sold out and now it pays the price. I specifically mentioned ex BC star Mike Ruth. It was known to the world that he abused steroids when he was playing. Christ, he dripped more blood after the first play then most boxers do after 12 rounds (easy bleeding is symptom of steroids.) Players did not want to play opposite him because it was gross, not because he was good. BTW Ruth thought about entering the priesthood.
Well, yesterday’s Globe ran a big feature in the sports page outlining Ruth’s personal problems. His problemsd are a many. And Ruth was one of their “good kids”.
Go Crusaders!!!
Is anyone but me bothered by Gov. Deval’s expensive radio blitz that has been going on for many months, telling us all what a great place Massachusetts is to build a business? We get to hear Deval interview business types and put words in their mouths. He gets them to cheer about Deval’s proposal to stimulate business. Why are we promoting this to local radio listeners? Does Deval get free red sox tix that went with the purchase price for the red sox radio ads?
More fluff from Deval.
I have been to Provincetown many times since the early 70s. In fact I have been to parties and cook outs in Provincetown. Now it is hard to imagine that gay bashing was the motive behind Barry “Billy Don’t be a Hero’ Scott’s arrest and alleged abuse by the P-Town police. I have seen people arrested in P-Town. In fact I came close to being arrested there when I was a wise ass youngster. (Nothing to do with gay bashing)
I strongly doubt there is a police department in this state that is more sensitive to the gay community. Mr. Scott was arrested after the police visited the party for the third time because of complaints. (I wonder if the people making the complaints were also gay? Gays are the majority there in the summer.)
Now if this was a gay party in Wellfleet, Orleans, Hyannis, Dennis, Yarmouth, or Everett I would not jump on John Hosty and others like I have. But it wasn’t. It was a gay party in P-Town.
This knee jerk reaction of “it has to be gay bashing” is idiotic. And scary. Can’t an asshole cop can’t beat up an asshole in Provincetown without being accused of gay bashing? Have straight people cornered the market on assholes? I don’t think so.
How about Sam Yoon, the new darling of the Boston progressives, sending out campaign literature that implies that City Councilor Jerry McDonough and Rep. Kevin Honan have endorsed him. In fact at appears from the quotes that he would be the last person they would endorse.
I’m sorry, but Yoon appears to be another fraud who appeals to the shallow voters. His absent rate from council meetings is despicable. But he is a superstar. Just ask him.
I think he is my new Jarrett Barrios. At least Jarrett showed up for work.
Dan Conley is right. Commissioner Davis should have consulted with him prior to changing the homicide command. However, his public crying just shows what an incompetent light weight he is.
Attn. Michael Flaherty, this race was made for you. Mayor is a long shot. You can beat Conley easily.
Mayor Menino wants to put 3,000 slot machines in East Boston/Revere. That’s 1,000 less than are there now. If we add Winthrop and Chelsea it’s 1,500 less.
John Kerry showed me something when he stuck up for Don Imus and suggested a suspension rather than firing would be in order. Unbelievably Kerry did not stick his finger in the wind but rather spoke up on behalf of a friend. Unlike David Gregory. The NBC White House correspondent was a regular guest on Imus and routinely yakked it up with him. But on Meet the Press he spoke like he barely knew the man and other than the “few times” he was on he never listened. My God I never heard so many cocks crowing when he spoke. Gregory is no good.
This has nothing to with Imus being right or wrong. It has to do with the character of some of his so-called friends, I mean whores.
ESPECIALLY when they run next to ads from Michigan, touting THEIR business economy!
Are we running the stupid ads ELSEWHERE? To lure people HERE, instead of allowing Deval to polish his soft, breathy Oprah-esque interview style? What’s he looking for, Bob Barker’s job on ‘The Price is Right’?
I never had you pegged for an applesauce eater. I guess that explains all the bile, resentment, and the hatred of the Red Sox.
Just like to piss-off BC Alum. They are aesy target. Like some here at BMG đŸ™‚
But really, Holy Cross is a better school. And BC knows it.
I agree with you ernie on the radio ads, I’m a Deval supporter but if that was with tax payer funds its definitely wrong, sounds like a campaign advertisement, also why say its great to set up shop in MA over MA radio?
If he paid for it himself I’d still say there issues since it sounds like hes officially saying it on behalf of the Commonwealth. Had Romney done this BMG would be up his ass.
About BC and Holy Cross I go to U Chicago which is a better school than both but has a shittier sports team so I can’t really reply. I dislike BC because I didn’t get in and a lot of stupid drunk jocks i know did so I dont consider it the Catholic Oxford it was when my grandfather went there and it was respectable, I also dislike how around here a BC degree has more weight than a degree from better out of state institutions, or how theres a huge pro BC bias in the Globe.
it is small liberal arts school true to its mission.
U. of Chicago is not.
I don’t play “mine is bigger than yours” with someone from the University of Chicago; you win, at least if you make it to a degree.
As to BC and HC, EBII is historically correct. IMO, it has become a far closer call over the last twenty years, as BC has left its commuter school roots behind, and become a more national university. Today, it is getting harder to make a comparison, as I don’t think that comparing universities and colleges makes much sense, as they don’t draw from the same pool. I realize that US News does just this, but those rankings are stupid.
As far as the regard of your UC education in Boston: duh. Boston may be the most provincial, inward looking major city in the country. An old joke about some early 20th century Beacon Hill Brahmin, who, at some society function, asked a newcomer where she was from.
“Iowa” came the reply.
To which the Brahmin biddy stated “In Boston, dear, we pronounce it ‘Ohio’.” That attitude has changed, but not by much.
Getting into UC was a stroke of good luck seeing as a bunch of other colleges which according to US News are “worse” rejected me. So I definitely take my good fortune with a mix of humility and pride.
That said while BC is getting better reviews nationally and has achieved national prominence it has done so mainly through its sports program and aggressive marketing while I have been told its academic quality has declined. I would also make similar criticisms regarding Harvard which has been relying far too much on its brand name while simultaneously weakening its standards. Unfortunately UC is going down the same path to try and get the coveted number 1 spot, apparently the reason we were so low before is because nobody took the rankings seriously and we never gave them all the data they requested. Now that we do we surged from 25th to 15th to 9th.
Yeah the UC name has not got me much in terms of summer internships around here, so next summer I will either be in Chicago, DC, or hopefully working on the Obama general election efforts.
The two most common comments by BC alumni:
1. Look at all that construction, I hardly recognize the place.
2. Did you see the statistics on the incoming class? I doubt I could get in if I were applying now.
3. I do not expect to be opposed in my next primary. (This last is most common among the much older alumni, and its frequency increases if the speaker has two BC degrees, and increases further if the speaker also has a BC High diploma)
BC, like every other school that there is, has its share of knuckleheads, and, like every other school– even Div III’s– does indeed give folks who can hit the gap, turn the corner, or read the defense a leg up in admissions. And once you’re in, you can coast if you so choose. That is why I am not automatically impressed with a degree from any single school, save one, which is where you happen to be going.
As for HC, I am more familiar with them since I moved out where my tag indicates that I live, and I am favorably impressed. Also, though it ended well before my time, I regret the end of the rivalry and wish it could continue in some other form.
Ernie, I just wanted to let you know that I love your short, weekly takes on local and political issues and the hilarious weekly polls.
Keep holding Dan Conley’s feet to the fire and pushing Michael Flaherty to run for Suffolk DA. The safety of residents and visitors to Suffolk County would be greatly enhanced if we could persuade, Flaherty, or a former Suffolk County DA (Ralph Martin) or even a deceased predecessor (Garrett Byrne) to run against “Dead-eye Dan.”