The Mass. Dems, at their new site, Romney Facts, have collected quite an excellent set of Romney clips. Previously, it’s been well documented that Mitt Romney has changed his position on a variety of important issues, including abortion, gay rights, and gun control. (He’s also mean to dogs.) And now, it seems, he’s actually changed positions on being proud of being a Republican. Check it out.
UPDATE: By the way, Romney’s poll numbers are still in the pooper. Not into double digits yet. Actually, the race on both sides seems remarkably stable, according to this poll (putting aside McCain’s free-fall).
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Even in this pastiche from varying campaigns in various decades, the WORST thing you can find Romney saying is that a single party makes for bad government. Oooohhh.
EMBARASSED about being a Republican? Nonsense. Indicating a willingness to work with those in other parties? Yes. (gee, where did we hear that? Oh – from that guy whose only ideas to be implemented are those he took from his GOP opponent).
Daivd – well documented? I could make you sound like Strom Thurmond from things you’ve said on BMG if I employed the excerpting techniques used on various 15 year old videotapes. Keep it up, Mr. Walsh. Sweaty desperation like this only helps convince the undecided that Mitt must have something going for him if the Dems are that afraid.
Unless, of course you were exaggerating.
Well, David said:
…our resident expert on Strom (sorry, Gary the link I was looking for was from one of your first postings…what happened to all your old diaries?)
I read this to to bottom, and for the first time, I see the copyright mark of the ‘BMG Media Empire’.
This is just to keep me from making that Strom film by cobbling old video from NECN and Emily Rooney with Darth-Vader voiceovers of posts, isn’t it? :~)
The G.O.P. depends, to a degree, on its base and its base does not consist of pleasant Ripon Society Republicans in bow ties reflecting peacefully and wrily on policy. Showing that Romney has little loyalty to the conservative core deflates that base. It makes them less likely to contribute, less likely to run out and vote Republican, less likely to induce their neighbors to join them at the polls. These are people who know the meaning of faith and loyalty. Romney’s comments about single party Republican government being bad do not mesh with conservative enthusiasts of faith and loyalty.
One might object that these conservatives are “smarter” than that, that they can see through the manipulation. I see no evidence that the legions of supporters of the Surge are immune to manipulation. Rather they appear to embrace it.
That said, the MDP has never been known for the production values in its anti-Romney video offerings.
“I’m not running as the Republican view, or the continuation of Republican values.”
– Mitt Romney
Hey Mitt, care to repeat any of those positions in this campaign?
As with most of what the MDP puts out that was an incredibly lame, uncreative video. All it needed was some shill from the AFL-CIO ranting about unions and working families and we would have had the 2005 state convention.
I agree with a lot of the comments above. The tag is particularly trying: take the advice of this liberal democrat and vote for Romney. Confusing, and obviously disingenuous.
I think a stronger presentation would integrate the best clip — embarrassed to be a Republican — with his other flip-flops. Still, hearty kudos to the MDP! This certainly can’t hurt the Great Patriotic Effort to oppose Romney. Another nail in the coffin.
I think the most powerful part is the line at the end about “this liberal Democrat…” One of the quotes, where he says “it’s hard to win votes as a Republican”, clearly cuts off before he can finish with something like “…in Massachusetts”.
Mind you, I certainly hope that this isn’t meant to be aired as an actual advertisement (needs a voiceover), but merely to supply raw material for other campaigns.
expressed embarrassment to be a republican but in the past few years he suggests embarrassment for being from Massachusetts.
He embarrassed us by conning us into voting for him.
…but while his national poll numbers are still in the single digits, by opening up his wallet early and making those media buys targetting NH and Iowa voters, he’s ahead in those polls.
If he stays up in the polls and actually does a win. place or show in Iowa, then wins NH (he really needs to win his border state) he can then survive the beating he’ll get in South Carolina and other Bible Belt states to be a contender in the delegate rich (and more moderate places like) Calf, Michigan and Florida.
Personally I think he’ll collaspe in NH and Iowa and will flame out–he’d need an ad budget like Coke to stay high in the polls of Iowa and NH for the next 6 months. Is he willing to spend all his 300 million on this?
If he really has confidence in his ability to win the election, let’s see him put all of his money into the race. He always has a backup career working for the MSPCA, I suppose.
“Hi. My name is Mitt Romney. You may know me as an Olympic organizer, a governor, and all too briefly, a candidate for president. But that’s not why I want to talk to you today.
Every day, thousands of companion animals get abused by their owners. I should know — I once made that mistake myself. Working with the ASPCA, I’ve how widespread this problem is. There are serious political and legal consequences for animal abusers. And hurting defenseless animals is as wrong as investigating a president’s criminals acts. I’ve learned that animals have as much right to life and happiness as any white male.
So please seriously consider making a donation to the ASPCA today. You can do it in the name of a relative, or in memory of a favorite pet, like mine (holds up picture of Seamus). We need your help…please donate today.”