George W Bush frequently is shown clearing brush on his ranch in Crawford Texas. He portrays himself as a cowboy, at ease with ranch implements in his hands. The truth is that Bush hates the brush. He is afraid of the little creatures that lurk there. If he had his way he would rid the earth of all of them and he is doing his fair share.
Department of the Interior Deputy Assistant Secretary Julie MacDonald faithfully did her lord’ s bidding. A Department of the Interior Inspector General’s report in March found that MacDonald routinely violated federal ethics rules. She apparently leaked government documents to industry lobbyists; she intimidated and marginalized U.S. Fish and Wildlife scientists; and illegally overturned scientific recommendations to eliminate protections for endangered species. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse! It is almost clichĂ©.
So while Bush wears his Stetson and plays with his tools remember that he is really a maid pampered, Yale legacy, more akin to Little Lord Fauntleroy than to Rambo
h/t Digby:
The Wimp Factor: Gender Gaps, Holy Wars, and the Politics of Anxious Masculinity
How can one not like a book with Bush as a GI Joe doll on the cover?
Thanks for that link. Posts like yours make this website rock!
…Little Lord Fauntleroy
A rancher rides a horse. Have you ever seen Bush astride a horse? Of course not. When I was 13 at Boy Sprout Camp, I had a horse literally eating out of my hand. After which, he graciously allowed me to get on his saddle and we wandered off.
Bush is a joke. Janitors clear brush.
There’s no cattle on the land, so it’s not really a ranch. Bush’s Crawford property is a farm. But I guess “goin’ down to the farm” doesn’t have that musk of manliness that makes conservatives grip their crotches and swoon…
In 2000, they kept longhorns there, and still have pictures of them on the kids portion of the wite house website. Don’t see that as much different from the Hereford cattle on LBJ’s ranch.
…the cattle ran off with the horses.
Cattle don’t do well with sattles, though đŸ˜‰
Bush on a horse.
Did you mean some other Bush?
As for “real” ranchers, perhaps real ranchers as viewed by a guy who splits his time between Germany and the suburbs of Boston.
Having lived in Texas, I can tell you that real ranchers recreate on horseback, but work in muddy 4×4 pickups, jacked up up to be able to ford a flash-flooding arroyo, and with bright lights mounted on the roof to light the a far ahead as possible on back roads, in order to avoid collisions with cattle (which the truck would lose).
Especially in Texas, where ranch land is often valued according to the number of acres required to support 1 head of cattle (rather than vice versa) travel by horse would take too damn long. Some ranches are 15,0000 acres. There is a ranch near Corpus Christi that is larger than Rhode Island. They get bigger than that in West Texas.
Prarie Chapel Ranch, at less than 1600 acres, is the Texas equivalent of a NYC 300 square foot studio apartment, so he doesn’t have that excuse. But he surely looks and acts the rancher part when out there.