If we got all the criminal illegal immigrants out of the factories – then the factory owners would be forced to hire Americans that require safety standards, decent wages, pension plans/401K plans and a multitude of other benefits like health insurance.
I visited that factory many years ago when I was a fashion Buyer and the place was a dump. The working conditions were deplorable. The owner lived on Beacon Hill by the way. I guess paying an unfair wage to people who are afraid to complain has its benefits, but I wouldn’t do it.
Everyone in the factory should be thrown out of the country; the owner, the Managers, the Workers and the Governor. I threw in the Governor for good measure.
A thought requires thinking behind it. That’s more of bigotry masquerading as opinion. But I realize it’s difficult for you to pass up any chance to mutter threateningly about the darker-skinned.
Thanks as always, Sabutai.
But what this “Troll” type comment ignores is the role the unions have played in development of the American middle class, and what right-wing union busting, in weakening unions, has done to all working Americans.
The obscene gap between what the regular worker owns, and the earnings of the Neo-Robber Baron class now earn are pretty well documented. THEY got 54% raises last year – did you: http://www.forbes.co… The average CEO of the so-called “fortune 500” company now earns $14.8 million. http://www.aflcio.or…
Then there is the looting of America by corporate hogs, such as occurred in Global Crossing, Tyco, and others. http://www.washingto…
It is the concentration of wealth, attack on organized labor, and demonization of the poor that is an issue. http://www.washingto…
Criminalization of poverty generally, not just the under the radar migration for work, has led to not just the New Bedford raid, but the climate that made the truly criminal behavior of Michael Insolio [the Michael Bianco owner] possible.
I didn’t have to read a report that showed me what the factory was like, because I had been there. I concurred that the conditions wer bad. What I was suggesting was the cause – allowing criminal immigrants to take jobs from New Bedford citizens and legal residents, what ever color they might be.
If you read the story to which I linked, the owner, Michael Insolia, actively encouraged and was in alleged partnership with a creator of forged documents because he wanted illegals – it was not the government “allowing” but a criminal capitalist enriching himself at the expense of US citizens and the illegals, both.
Bianco was manufacturing product for the government. There are inspectors and regulators that oversee work situations where government contracts are given. The Government, including Deval Patrick and George W Bush allowed this awful situation to occur. But you knew that now didn’t you…
First, all contracts were FEDERAL, none state AND all awarded before Deval Patrick held office. So why try and smear Deval Patrick over something that did not happen on his watch, at all?
Second, IF you had actually taken the time to read the article AND the others I cited in my previous posts which are still on my page at BMG [which appears more and more doubtful] you would see that Michael Insolio, the capitalist owner of the Micheal Bianco factory steered the undocumented workers whom he exploited to a fellow criminal genius to create their bogus green cards and other documents.
Collusion, in a word.
IF the federal inspectors were doing their jobs [given the Bush administrations slashing of all varities of over sight – so doubtful] then the folk working for Bianco could all produce documents that looked legal – but were bogus.
So, your point is what, exactly?
You mentioned teaching Sunday School and being a Youth Minister on another thread. Do you think any of God’s children should ever be referred to as “illegal?”
And then there’s that pesky Bible…..
Exodus 22:21:
You shall not wrong or oppress the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.
They broke the law regardless of what the bible said. Of course, after they are punished I am happy to forgive them..
I would be happy to discuss scripture with you if you like, but most BMG readers do not like God and find any discussion of it repulsing.
My oh my, Mr. Vot3rdpartynow, does the word “unrighteous dominion” ever come to mind!
It might surprise you to know that almost all the bluemassgroup folk are quite comfortable with g*d and his worship – and less likely to take the name of the divine in vain, or usurp the power of forgiveness than you seem to be willing to do.
I am coming to believe that you may be a very young person, and it is immaturity speaking, when you pontificate and are willing to judge your fellows, and take upon yourself g*d’s ability to forgive.
Well, guess what, I will cheerfully forgive YOU and hope that you will indulge in charity for those poor folk who sought to migrate in search of economic relief as my own forbears once did. Did yours?
As to “playing by the rules” – that can be hard to do when the rules keep changing.
Kind of like meeting specifications that keep shifting.
If we got all the criminal illegal immigrants out of the factories – then the factory owners would be forced to hire Americans that require safety standards, decent wages, pension plans/401K plans and a multitude of other benefits like health insurance.
I visited that factory many years ago when I was a fashion Buyer and the place was a dump. The working conditions were deplorable. The owner lived on Beacon Hill by the way. I guess paying an unfair wage to people who are afraid to complain has its benefits, but I wouldn’t do it.
Everyone in the factory should be thrown out of the country; the owner, the Managers, the Workers and the Governor. I threw in the Governor for good measure.
A thought requires thinking behind it. That’s more of bigotry masquerading as opinion. But I realize it’s difficult for you to pass up any chance to mutter threateningly about the darker-skinned.
Thanks as always, Sabutai.
But what this “Troll” type comment ignores is the role the unions have played in development of the American middle class, and what right-wing union busting, in weakening unions, has done to all working Americans.
The obscene gap between what the regular worker owns, and the earnings of the Neo-Robber Baron class now earn are pretty well documented. THEY got 54% raises last year – did you: http://www.forbes.co… The average CEO of the so-called “fortune 500” company now earns $14.8 million. http://www.aflcio.or…
Then there is the looting of America by corporate hogs, such as occurred in Global Crossing, Tyco, and others. http://www.washingto…
It is the concentration of wealth, attack on organized labor, and demonization of the poor that is an issue. http://www.washingto…
Criminalization of poverty generally, not just the under the radar migration for work, has led to not just the New Bedford raid, but the climate that made the truly criminal behavior of Michael Insolio [the Michael Bianco owner] possible.
I didn’t have to read a report that showed me what the factory was like, because I had been there. I concurred that the conditions wer bad. What I was suggesting was the cause – allowing criminal immigrants to take jobs from New Bedford citizens and legal residents, what ever color they might be.
If you read the story to which I linked, the owner, Michael Insolia, actively encouraged and was in alleged partnership with a creator of forged documents because he wanted illegals – it was not the government “allowing” but a criminal capitalist enriching himself at the expense of US citizens and the illegals, both.
Bianco was manufacturing product for the government. There are inspectors and regulators that oversee work situations where government contracts are given. The Government, including Deval Patrick and George W Bush allowed this awful situation to occur. But you knew that now didn’t you…
First, all contracts were FEDERAL, none state AND all awarded before Deval Patrick held office. So why try and smear Deval Patrick over something that did not happen on his watch, at all?
Second, IF you had actually taken the time to read the article AND the others I cited in my previous posts which are still on my page at BMG [which appears more and more doubtful] you would see that Michael Insolio, the capitalist owner of the Micheal Bianco factory steered the undocumented workers whom he exploited to a fellow criminal genius to create their bogus green cards and other documents.
Collusion, in a word.
IF the federal inspectors were doing their jobs [given the Bush administrations slashing of all varities of over sight – so doubtful] then the folk working for Bianco could all produce documents that looked legal – but were bogus.
So, your point is what, exactly?
You mentioned teaching Sunday School and being a Youth Minister on another thread. Do you think any of God’s children should ever be referred to as “illegal?”
And then there’s that pesky Bible…..
They broke the law regardless of what the bible said. Of course, after they are punished I am happy to forgive them..
I would be happy to discuss scripture with you if you like, but most BMG readers do not like God and find any discussion of it repulsing.
My oh my, Mr. Vot3rdpartynow, does the word “unrighteous dominion” ever come to mind!
It might surprise you to know that almost all the bluemassgroup folk are quite comfortable with g*d and his worship – and less likely to take the name of the divine in vain, or usurp the power of forgiveness than you seem to be willing to do.
I am coming to believe that you may be a very young person, and it is immaturity speaking, when you pontificate and are willing to judge your fellows, and take upon yourself g*d’s ability to forgive.
Well, guess what, I will cheerfully forgive YOU and hope that you will indulge in charity for those poor folk who sought to migrate in search of economic relief as my own forbears once did. Did yours?
As to “playing by the rules” – that can be hard to do when the rules keep changing.
Kind of like meeting specifications that keep shifting.