One of our culture’s greatest art forms, the crank call, has bit the dust because of technology. Ahhh, the good ole days. Best exemplified today by Bart Simpson’s cranks to Moe.
It is easier getting a passport to North Korea today than it was finding out who was making the crank calls thirty years ago. Basically, you couldn’t get caught.
Everyone did them. A right of passage.
And there were genres.
Of course we had the The Classics (always in vogue) – I’ll just give the punch lines
‘you better let him out’
‘you better catch it’
‘hi ma, it’s Irving. Did I get any calls?’
‘for crissake lady, what do you live in, a birdcage?’
The really piss a lot of people off ones
Rule: Never do an order once when you can do two or more at the same time.
So, Order from two pizza joints for the same address at same time.
send two cabs to same address
(You want to be there to watch. Some prep work needed.)
Then there was the phony poll.
And of course the Dialing for Dollars bit.
You could be a radio station, whatever you wanted.
So this is an open thread to give us some crank call stuff. And “Cranks Gone Bad”. We need to hear those.
I don’t think it is especially funny to send a low-paid cab-driver or delivery man to a bogus address, but perhaps that is just me. I know it can be funny when you are twelve, but I thought we were older here.
the more you talk and zero me out the more I see a tad social retardation.
Than being a senior citizen that acts like a child. Do me a favor. Look in the mirror and say, “This is what Hubris looks like.”
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