Yes Galluccio has baggage, Ross is the darling of the BMG types, and then there is another Chelsea City Councilor running ( has anything good ever come out of Chelsea?). But the one person I don’t want to see win this is Tim Flaherty. That kid has such a huge opinion of himself. I mean huge for a politician. Many people took a dislike to him when he ran for Middlesex D.A. Then he pissed many more supporters and contributors off by not sending out thank you notes. This kid thinks he is the old man. I’d rather Galluch or the Chelsea guy or the BMG guy. But not Flaherty.
Yes the US Attorneys firings were political and very unusual. But the President should not have to answer to Congress for it. Bad precedent in my opinion. They serve at his pleasure. Yes Michael Sullivan is a complete tool who knows how to climb the ladder in the Bush Administration. But what happens when we get a normal person in the White House? What goes around comes around.
If Nixon was the “long national nightmare” then Bush is the long national “Satanic possession.”
Nixon was a very sick man who managed to do some good things when not fighting his paranoia. Bush is a just an idiot surrounded by assholes.
I like Barak Obama because I get the impression that he and his wife are the only ones that know his sudden star power is bull shit and comes from shallow people looking for a superstar. Without political baggage he can be everyman’s dream candidate because they see in him what they want.
But hey, when will he ever get this chance again. Go for it Barak.
Yes I am a fan of Tom Finneran’s show but I can’t listen to him with Todd Feinberg as his partner. Feinberg ruins the chat with his lack of knowledge of the subject matter, very bad jokes, and knee jerk conservative reactions. A Connecticut School of Broadcasting voice does not make a moron any smarter. I’ll stick with sports radio until Jason Wolfe figures it out.
Mayor Menino has to go. Thanks for everything you have done for us Mayor. But Kevin White knew when it was time to go. Menino has no vision. His priorities are to build a big building and move city hall. Wow! That makes me feel so good about raising my kids in Boston and sending them to Boston Public Schools. This guys gut a plan.
You are asking too much of us Mayor.
For you Bruins and Sport radio Fans out there. Dale Arnold is no more the Bruins play by play man for home games. I listened to Dale explain the whole thing. He blames the Bruins for bad business decision and bad behavior towards him.
You see Dale has been calling the games for 12 years with one year contracts. This year he gets some testicles and tells them he wants a multi- year contract. They say ok but you will have to do more games. He says he can’t because he has contractual obligation with sports radio. They say they would like to have the same play by play announcer for all games. Dale can’t do that. They say that if he can’t do all games he could be in studio host for all games. Therefore no travel. Dale says no. Beneath him or something. So they don’t hire him back.
Dale, if you kept your mouth shut and didn’t demand a multi year contract you would probably still have the job. But you wanted them to do everything for you yet you couldn’t do anything more for them because of your “other contractual obligations”.
You are married to EEI yet you wanted your mistress to treat you like she was the only gal in your life. And when she does you tell her you have to be home with your wife and family. You’ll see her tomorrow.
Get over yourself Dale. You’re not that good.
David Ortiz and Manny better get back on the roids. And soon.
Why do journalist have such a high and arrogant attitude about their “profession”. The Emily Rooney Friday night show is becoming a mutual admiration society. And David Wedge is never disciplined.
Adds the following Tshirt to its BMG Swag Store:
Front: Nixon was a very sick man who did some good things when not fighting his paranoia.
Back: Bush is a just an idiot surrounded by assholes.
I want one!
I thought that this was a pretty astute observation.
If you haven’t seen these “ads” yet on YouTube, you’re missing out:
My favorite quote: “Mitt Romney would have you believe that he’s a friend of the people. That’s a blatant lie because I know a lot of people, and none of them have ever said anything about being friends with Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney’s a friendless liar.”
Those are priceless.
“These clams are good.”
There it is.
p>Chick Corea? John Ruiz?
Was filmed extensively in Chelsea.
So good, he makes up for a lot of bad.
he brings jazz to new levels.
Chelsea helps your car run wicked good in the wintah
It’s probably viewable in the opening scene of Mystic River as well, as the movie opens right across the bridge from the pile, at the Mobil station.
… Father, William Henry Bloomberg, was born in Chelsea.
Carl Voss, of the Hockey Hall of Fame, was born in Chelsea.
John Ruiz? John Ruiz? If he is the best thing that has ever come out of Chelsea then Chelsea really sucks. Ruiz is the prototypical tomato can who fought the right stiff on the right night.
Here is a scouting report on Ruiz from EastsideBoxing “Not only is watching Ruiz as much fun as watching paint dry but more than that , he is TERRIBLE, and I mean TERRIBLE. I have been an observer of boxing for over 50 years and let me tell you, this guy has nothing.
1) throw left jab , 2) grab opponent 3) let ref break the clinch. 1) throw left jab 2) grab opponent and on and on and on. He has fought NO ONE of any quality. Holyfield is not over the hill he is under it, he did not land a punch against an over rated and over weight and over sold Roy Jones. I respect all fighters but Ruiz is not a fighter nor a boxer. He is a terrible heavyweight in an era of mostly terrible heavyweights. Where is Kingfish Levinsky when you need him??!!”
Chelsea has produced better fighters and better men than John Ruiz. Red Chapman, Subway Sam Silverman (one of the greatest boxing promoters of all time)Albert DeSalvo (noted for his choke hold). Horatio Alger, Louis B Mayer, Arnold StangDavid Suskind and on and on.
John Ruiz, gimme a friggin break! You might as well have said Eugene O’Flaherty.
By area, according to Wikipedia. So relatively speaking, you’re less likely to be in Chelsea than in any other town in the Commonwealth at any given moment. That might be construed by some as a good thing.
It does have a Market Basket that is much bigger than Somerville’s and is the only large affordable grocery store in Metro Boston. The lines are about 10 deep on saturday in Sunday at 20 something registers.
…having only been there once (it isn’t exactly the easiest town to get to.
But…just to let you know, the best open air market I’ve ever been to has been the Viktualienmarkt in Munich. It’s a ten minute walk from the city center. A hop-skip and a jump from public transportation. The fishmongers were able to filet a sole while we waited.
And, in our own little Dorf outside of Munich, every Friday there is a farmers’ market.
Do farmers’ markets exist in the US any more?
is still operational. And many towns have a farmers market once or twice a week.
‘it isn’t exactly the easiest town to get to.”
first exit off tobin bridge. what’s your definition on easy?
Why in the world is Ross popular among BMG types?
Flaherty seems snotty based on the way he acted 6 years ago? That’s the best you have? Anything about what the candidates believe?
? The Bruins should know that the only thing worse than being bashed on WEEI is not being talked about at all on EEI. They are already one step away from irrelevancy. Fire your star power when you have a leg to stand on, not when you’re dying.
? Much as I want the attorney scandal to blow up even more, you’re right that in about 4-6 years, the GOP and FoxNews will find some marginal firing from a Democratic president (knock on wood) that they’ll manipulate the rest of the media into comparing to the attorney scandal.
“Why in the world is Ross popular among BMG types?’
Who cares?
p> “Flaherty seems snotty based on the way he acted 6 years ago? That’s the best you have? Anything about what the candidates believe?”
This is enough for me. Do your own research
‘The Bruins should know that the only thing worse than being bashed on WEEI is not being talked about at all on EEI. They are already one step away from irrelevancy. Fire your star power when you have a leg to stand on, not when you’re dying.’
winning is the answer. not dale arnold talking about them.
Celtics went to the Conference finals a few years back, and were pretty much ignored on EEI, back when they were with that old Eddie Andelman station that eventually tanked. The NHL has enough problems getting noticed, but now have national games off ESPN and on some network I’ve still never heard of.
Winning is three years away. Till then, it’s a foolish business decision to take yourself completely out of one of the top sports stations in the country. Plus, Day’ul has been such a vocal apologist for Bruins ownership and management, it’s hard to believe they’d want to lose that.
and only part of Cambridge is in it. The district includes Revere, Chelsea, Everett, Saugus, Cambridge, Charlestown, Allston-Brighton, and Somerville. It’s an interesting melange.
That said, I have to concur with you, Ernie. There’s no love for Tim Flaherty in the district. Riding on Dad’s coattails is fine….but just be pleasant about it, thank people kindly, and remember that people have long memories around here.
I’d like to see Galluccio take this one. I don’t know the Ross guy.
It turns out that Menino’s next big vision was none of the poll choices. It is a
casino at Suffolk Downs
But this sounds an aweful lot like you’re saying Devl Patrick is lazy or not doing his job:
He spends a month in the thick of things creating a real, balanced budget and advocating for ways to fairly establish the revenue to fund programs of importance without raising income taxes… and suddenly he’s a little kid who’s not doing the real job of Governor?
Allow me to fix your quote. The other asinine things you have to say will have to be addressed by other readers.