Burn Bush for Burner was such a huge success — over $123,000 raised — the folks at DailyKos want to take it national. They’ve put a shout out to state and local blogs:
We want to take the Burn Bush strategy to every district where a solid, netroots supported Dem candidate is running. What good is lame duck Bush to the Republicans any more, other than as a fundraiser? We want to neutralize his ability to make money for Republicans. We want every Republican who brings Bush in to his or her state or district to raise money to hurt for their efforts. We want to make sure that every Bush visit is highly publicized and no one can just sneak him in without the voters knowing about it.
But that’s going to take a lot of work from state and local blogs. A handful of us national bloggers can’t keep up on every race, every visit from Bush. This has to be a project started locally, just like it was in Washington state. Bloggers in New Mexico are already on the case. Before Bush came to Seattle yesterday, he was in New Mexico, raising money for Domenici and the NM GOP. Which includes, don’t forget, Heather Wilson. Democracy for New Mexico and NM FBIHOP, the two largest and most influential progressive blogs in New Mexico, launched the “Beat Back Bush New Mexico” campaign in response. They were inspired by the Burner experiment, and in just a few days, put together one of their own.
We know now how powerful the netroots army can be. Let’s do it again.