State Representative and Democratic congressional candidate James B. “Jamie” Eldridge (D-MA) proudly says, “I don’t accept any corporate PAC money.”
But he does take corporate lawyer’s PAC money.
F.E.C. records note that Eldridge accepted $1000 from the Nixon Peabody LLP Federal PAC. Nixon Peabody is a law firm which represents, among others, the chemical, energy, insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
To be fair, Barry R. Finegold (D-MA) has received $500 from Nixon Peabody and Nicola S. “Niki” Tsongas (D-MA) got $250.
Disclosure – D.C. Sachs is the brother-in-law of Barry Finegold and the editor of D.C.’s Political Report.
Please share widely!
Is it corporate PAC money, or not? If not, then there’s nothing to report – unlike Barry’s recent insistance that he never supported ethanol when in fact, he sponsored a bill giving tax breaks for ethanol fueled vehicles. See my comment in this diary for more on that front:
I don’t know whether there is a problem or not.
I thought I understood what Eldridge meant when he said no corporate PAC money. I though he meant that he would take no money from corporation.
Nixon Peabody is a corporation. Nixon Peabody is incorporated as a LLP (a limited liability partnership). It receives most of its money from representing corporations. And Eldridge accept a contribution from Nixon Peabody.
So when Eldridge said no corporate money, I guess he meant no DIRECT contributions from industrial corporations. He also meant no money from businesses set up as INC. It is okay to take their money if the business is operating as a partnership, limited liability corporation or some other structure.
I don’t think there is a problem. I just think Eldridge was not clear in what he meant when he said no corporate PAC money.
Either that or he is a hypocrite.
He won’t accept money from BAD corporations, filled with icky conservatives. Of COURSE he’ll take money from NICE corporations – they are his friends!
It’s up to the candidate to decide who is nice and who is icky. YOU know what/who we mean, so he can keep the talking point, and act as if it’s a fact instead of a personal value judgement.
What hypocricy could attach to THAT?
He has accepted donations from individuals who filled up at an Exxon station, took Motrin for a headache, and ate a Chiquita banana for breakfast. He’s obviously in the pocket of Big Oil, Big Pharmaceutical, and United Fruit.
Jeeper Crow,
We have yet another “issue” with our boy…Eldridge says what he means and means what he says, I figured there’d be his supporters coming out of the woodwork..Mr. SachsDC watch it, next will be the name calling then you’ll get a message from on high saying YOU are not kind/proper for this forum..and when you ask WHY do others get to use direct name calling etc, you are ignored…
I’m just thankful YOU sorced this or boy oh boy….
Peter Porcupine hit the nail right on the head…, want more read The Real Jamie, his entire voting record is there, pardon the “not sorced” materials, and the comments attacking me and making untrue statements, bottom line is no matter the lack of sorcing or where the materials came from, his record is his record… And by the way there is yet another issue coming… we will see if the State responds before (Since they are all buddies) or more than likely after this race, in time for his next…
NOW THE NEW RUMOR…Resor is going to retire,the “plugged in” people have been told by her (And I’m an old Dem not the new progressive plugged in folks)the “Boy” is just doing this run for name recognition and this 3-5 place finish will equip him to run for Resors seat…Our question is….where is the 37th middlesex he alleges to support?
Also, Niki Tsongas takes money from Don Henley, a known douche bag.
comes from the Meehan Connection. Henley has been a regular contributor to Marty “Moneybags” Meehan.