Sage suffered a blow when the DNC earlier this year chose competitor VAN to build a nationwide voterfile interface. The VAN system has subsequently been adopted by 49 state Democratic Parties. Massachusetts is the exception. In response, Carito noted that Sage provides a combination of services that is somewhat different from those offered by VAN; shares the data it collects with the DNC’s national voterfile program, just as VAN does; and argued for the benefit of multiple providers.
“One of the concerns is whether the market drives innovation or the party drives innovation,” he said. Sage, he said, will continue to innovate to provide useful solutions. “I’ve been in this situation before. In 2004, Finneran had chosen the VAN to be available for free to House members,” he said. Sage continued to grow, he noted. Sage and VAN were profiled by the Globe in 2006. Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair John Walsh contributed his thoughts on front-end campaign management software in a recent comment.
In the final analysis, both Sage and VAN provide a service that is critical if Democrats are to retake control of this country. “I’ve spent 35 years electing Democrats. That’s what I do,” Carito said. The more the better, I say.
This has been beaten to death the last several weeks.
We realize that they are a godsend and will win all elections for all progressives.
Enough already. Your exuberance is commended. I hope you make a lot of money and give it to Daniel Ortega for his next run.
I see on your mousing hand?
between Raj Singh (as in present tense đŸ˜‰ let me know if anyone got that) and raj. It’s an uncommon name so I was just curious.
i’m guessing that there are more “raj singh”s in the world than even “john smith”s.
you may be right. But there are not more raj singh’s in the Boston area then there are john smith’s and since the term “unusual” is a relative term I was not talking about the world but out little piece of it.
i don’t argue for the sake of argument. i do, however, joke around sometimes for the sake of joking around.
btw, raj has stated many times in his comments here, ‘raj’ <> Raj, but rather his initials. i guess you haven’t read those comments.
raj has been pretty clear in the past that his initials are R.A.J.