I stumbled across a website called The Political Compass which attempts to take classification of political views beyond just “left” and “right.” It offers a quiz placing respondents on a political quadrant from left to right in one dimension, and authoritarian to libertarian in the other.
The site also includes a take on where some historical figures would fall on the quadrant, including the current crop of presidential candidates. A bit of the above-captioned cheek (or European perspective, depending on your point of reference):
While Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel are depicted on the extreme left in an American context, they would simply be mainstream social democrats within the wider political landscape of Europe. Similarly, Hillary Clinton is popularly perceived as a leftist in the United States while in any other western democracy her record is that of a moderate conservative.
Who needs labels like lefty, liberal or progressive, when I can precisely plot myself at (-3.25,-5.59)?
eaboclipper says
is also used by the Libertarian Party in the United States.
I scored a 4.88 on the x axis and 0.10 on the y axis.
bean-in-the-burbs says
…Hillary! I guess this site is just for fun…
jconway says
A solid 0 on economics and a -7 on social issues.
eaboclipper says
you didn’t notice that 😉
I was horrified 😉
Not only do I share a birthday with her husband, my political philosophy as espoused by a British quick test puts me in her company. ARGH !!! 😉
On a more serious note, my attitudes towards personal freedoms have changed over the past 5 years. Especially as it relates to sex and drugs. Which had brought me down on the Y axis from when I first took this test.
gary says
Economic Left/Right: 6.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.79
peter-porcupine says
Economic Left/Right: 1.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.77
(actually, I think it was my ‘liberal’ answers on sex that pushed me into the positive on Social/Economic).
purplerain says
I scored a -4 for Economics and a -1.85 on Social. 🙂 And they keep telling me that I’m not a real Democrat!
smadin says
Which alone is very nearly enough to exclude it, along with anyone inclined to cite it as a useful or relevant tool, from all serious political discussion.
laurel says
i know it will surprise many who have read my comments here, especially joeTS, but compared to me, ghandi was an uptight rightie. my scores: econ -8.63, social -6.92.
a question i wish they had asked: “do you think killing in self defense is justified?” it would be interesting to see how answers to this would shift the dot.
bob-neer says
I’ll take that company Economic Left/Right: -4.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.13.
davidlarall says
We must have been separated at birth. (Economic -4.5, Libertarian -3.54)
I noticed a double negative weasely wording in one of the questions:
“A same sex couple in a stable, loving relationship, should not be excluded from the possibility of child adoption.” Is there a reason that the question is purposely convoluted? Why not just ask, “Should a gay couple be allowed to adopt?”
afertig says
Economic Left/Right: -5.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.87
alexwill says
A while ago I was taking this test every week or so for a year (I think 2005 and some of 2006) and tracking where I was over time. I think my economic went about -9 to -7 over that time and social around -7 to -6 (I need to find that spreadsheet). Taking it today I got (-6.63,-5.83), so not surprising, but I don’t believe Kucinich is to my right (he was my candidate in 2003 and was pretty much lined up with me then), and Gravel is no where near as economic left as they show him, so I think they tend to exaggerate the conservativism of American politicians.
afertig says
to see where the community is overall.
It might look something like this:
bob-neer says
Don’t forget to add in Ghandi. I am very proud of that 😉
sabutai says
Some others on there…I have a feeling we might not be thrilled with some of our company (Pachandra, or even Pol Pot)
noternie says
Maybe I misread some questions.
Maybe I need to learn more about the presidential candidates.
Maybe I need to shave my head and move to Tibet.
Economic: -6.13
Social: -4.46
syphax says
Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.10
I would have thought of myself as a hair to the right on economics, and a hair below the axis for libertarianism (I guess I’m becoming more of a libertarian over time, despite my better judgment).
But hey, I’m proud to be in the Nelson Mandela quadrant…
eury13 says
Economic Left/Right: -6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.38
I guess that means I should avoid reincarnating in China!
hoyapaul says
Looks like a -3.75 on economics and -4.56 on the social scale. I’m a little surprised that my economic score isn’t a bit more to the center, but I guess it’s all pretty close!
peter-porcupine says
purplerain says
You might surprise yourself. Poor Eabo’s in the same quandrant as HILARY!
peter-porcupine says
mr-lynne says
… pretty close to Gandhi. Just a little east and south of him.
mr-lynne says
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.69
they says
We came out just a bit north and west of Ghandi -6.38 / -1.18
But it didn’t ask very good questions, ioho. How did people answer the “people with inheritable defects shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce” question? I suspect that would answering yes would make one authoritarian, and answering “no” would make one libertarian, but the libertarian position regarding reproductive choice effectively leads to the same outcome.
they says
lynpb says
Economic -8.75
Social -8.00
peter-porcupine says
tim-little says
afertig says
Not bad.
laurel says
one geeky request – next time you update the graph, could you do an ascending sort on Y then X?
and don’t forget LynPB!
afertig says
I just sorta went in the order I saw the comments.
laurel says
afertig says
laurel says
hoyapaul says
One thing — I think I’m a -4.56, but the chart says I’m a positive 4.56. I was wondering who was way up there on the social scale and realized it was me!
afertig says
You’re a -4.56 in a “fact-based reality,” but I know in my gut you’re a 4.56, and my gut always tells the truth.
I’ll fix it soon.
tim-little says
Economic: -9.25
Social: -7.38
I guess my college baseball coach had me pegged just about right!
mr-lynne says
… your so radical. I don’t know if I can be friends with you any more. /snark
tim-little says
But do bear in mind that I did grow up in the People’s Republic of Cambridge! (Impressionable young minds and all that….)
shane says
…I don’t know if I’d have been invited to your wedding! 😉
Economic Scale: +2.3
Social Scale: -6.7
centralmassdad says
On my test, the lower right quadrant of world leaders is empty.
My numbers:
X: 2.88
Y: -2.56
peter-porcupine says
centralmassdad says
Evidently the lower right quadrant is for those of us ill-served by the present political parties, that is to say, Independents.
tom-m says
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.77
Fun experiment, although I’m not clear on how things like spanking or astrology point to any particular ideology. Then again there was that whole Nancy Reagan/Sydney Omarr thing…
sabutai says
-2.00, -4.82
As has been said, this is a fun game but not exactly accurate. There’s no way I am that far left of Stephen Harper, that close to Kucinich, or on a line with Pope Benedict.
A similar doodad is the Presidential Selector. There was a really interesting one where you gave opinion on blind quotes, and saw how they matched up. I forget where it was though…
afertig says
Did I miss anybody?
peter-porcupine says
afertig says
and stomv…
bob-neer says
mr-lynne says
… spreadsheet jockey comment: Can you equalize the X and Y scales?
they says
isn’t social supposed to be the Y axis?
they says
nevermind (i think)
laurel says
“neverminds” for y’all? 😉
they says
Well, we said that it varies 😉 (ps, how’d you like the “ioho” in our comment above? you can appreciate the challenge we face, it isn’t easy being us)
laurel says
it made me think of IHOP, and got me all hungry for pancakes. 😀
afertig says
who’da thunk this’d be so technical?! 😉
geo999 says
(-1.25, -.36)
Hmmm. Rather amusing, but somehow, I’m not buyin’ it.
I’d be interested to know just how these “questions” were arrived at and how they were weighted.
Probably says more about the designers than it says about us.
laurel says
one of my favorite Far Side cartoons shows a white-coated scientist standing before a blackboard. The blackboard is chock-a-block with an intricate equation. Somewhere in the middle is this little box with the words “and then a miracle occurred”. 😀
geo999 says
..an act of congress to force Gary Larson out of retirement.
sk-jim says
Economic: -4.75
Social: -7.95
I wonder what button I pushed to move me from -2.13 (when I took this test a year ago) to -4.75. My social numbers remained the same.
Any guesses where our state leadership would fall? How about the MA-05 candidates?
nbeqco says
Economic Left/Right: 8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82
raj says
matt-in-boston says
to the Dalai Lama. So I got that going for me.
tedf says
X: -2.33
Y: -0.5