On the steps of City Hall yesterday, addressing the marchers were Bernie Streeter, the Republican Mayor of Nashua; Martha Fuller-Clark, a Democratic State Senator; and both Rev. Fred Small and Rev. Margaret Bullit-Jonas, two co-organizers of the Massachusetts Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue this past spring.
Among the marchers, both a wheelchair and a baby stroller were spotted; a toddler, teenagers, college students, and baby boomers, all both alarmed by the danger of global warming and inspired by the opportunity to build a prosperous, clean energy economy, all sang, drummed, and cheered as excitement grew.
Read three bits of recent coverage of the March to Re-Energize NH here:
The march traveled by foot to Litchfield?s Nesenkeag Farm, where we prepared ourselves for a talk by Bill McKibben and Nesenkeag owner and farmer, Eero Ruutila. We sat in a circle one hundred people wide to listen and talk about why we had come together. Bill talked about the hope that we all share – the possibility of a new future, built on clean and just jobs in a green energy economy. Eroo talked about his experiences farming Nesenkeag Organic and about how he has had to struggle with a changing climate that brings floods and new insects to deal with.
We, as Bill pointed out, can make a world that is more just, more community minded, more humane than any generation past has seen. The truth that Eero presented is real and shows why we must take action, but we are walking motivated not just by the moments of fear of what could be but of many many more moments of hope for what will be.
Yesterday, much of our focus was on what we each can do to address global warming in our own lives. Tonight in Manchester, we?ll focus on what we can and are doing in the business community. As the march gathers momentum, we?re gearing up to make the largest call yet for national action on what will be seen in the history books as one of the defining challenge of the 21st century.
For info on the the march or the culminating rally on Sunday, Aug. 5 at noon at the State House in Concord, click here:
Onward and upward,
Zo, Kat & the whole March to Re-Energize NH team
Re-Energize New Hampshire
and best of luck!