For the record, my ActBlue page was at $1020 when I started this matching drive. My goal is to raise $500 and match that with a donation of my own, for a total of $1,000 by Friday.
As many of you are aware, I support Jamie wholeheartedly – last week, as part of a health care post, I showed a YouTube clip of the NECN debate where I felt Jamie set himself apart from the rest of the Democratic field in the race:
I mentioned at the time that Niki appeared to not be up to speed on the bill’s current status, since it now has 76 co-sponsors yet she cites it as having 69 co-sponsors. Today, I think I found out why she said this – she got that number from Jamie Eldridge’s web site!
You see, last spring, when Jamie’s web page outlining his vision for universal, single-payer health care was created, the bill had 69 co-sponsors – this fact was noted on the page. However, since that time, the bill has picked up 7 additional co-sponsors – to be fair, Jamie hasn’t updated his web page, but I think this shows where and how Niki is researching the current situation in Congress as she prepares for public debates. To me, it looks like she’s using Jamie’s web site – now, I have to ask, who’s leading, and who’s following in this race?
Let’s elect a real candidate who knows the issues and articulates a clear vision for the district. If you’ve been thinking about donating to Jamie, do so now at my ActBlue page and it will count twice:
Also, when you donate, please don’t forget to tip the ActBlue folks – they need help to keep their infrastructure running so they can continue to provide us with top-notch service. Thanks!!
I’ll be watching my ActBlue page all day and I’ll make a matching contribution tonight – I’ve already received $100, so come on folks, make it expensive for me this evening!
Jamie put $5000 into his campaign this week, according to a special 48 hour notice filed with the FEC. Is this further evidence that the rumors of his bankruptcy as reported in the Lowell Sun are true?
…and I’ve received another $50 since then – make it expensive for me folks! If you’ve been thinking about donating to Jamie, now is the time to make it count double, please donate today. Don’t forget to leave a tip for ActBlue – thanks!
“Jamie” has no money…”Jamie” has droped to 4th out of 5
can you say bye bye…no one deserves this humilation more
than Dear Jamie…
Next he will try and replace Resor…using his 4th or 5th
place finish, to spring board him into the state senate race, after loosing this, he’ll come back to the 37th and tell us the wonderful things he’s done….
I donated $50 about a month ago, time for another.
That makes the second day in a row that I’m matching $100 – excellent!!!
Your donation is greatly appreciated – thanks again!
The darling boy needs money?? Where are all the New Wave progressives that have ruined the Democratic Party….
What Jamie needs more than money is supporters…he is now fourth..and at last nights debate he had 7-10 sign holders in two different locations…not one of them was over 17, if only his PAID holders and CHILDREN volunteers could vote!!
One issue keeps running thru his 2004, his 2006 and now this election…way to many “Children Around” somethings up!
Jamie is in 4th and before primiray day will be 5th out of
five…That will be great for his alleged State Sensate Run, when the ever retiring Resor decides to retire!