Jeff Ross has a proven track record of advocacy and action on tough social justice issues. Through his work as a human rights attorney, Jeff has represented marginalized citizens in a variety of cutting edge social justice fields. From serving on President Clinton’s Commission for Civil Rights and influencing the Supreme Court’s affirmative action jurisprudence, to fighting against the Romney Administration’s discriminatory and unlawful Real-ID program, Jeff is the most qualified candidate to protect people’s rights in our district.
Jeff Ross doesn’t just support progress; he creates it. When Governor Romney tried to force the Commonwealth into the right-wing policy of implementing a national ID card that would hold people’s confidential information, Jeff took action, creating an effective ad campaign to advocate for victims of domestic violence that were adversely affected by the administration’s overtly discriminatory licensing and enforcement policies, and forming the core group of plaintiffs in a groundbreaking case by the ACLU against the RMV. Jeff, a lifelong ACLU member, is of counsel on the case.
Last year Jeff Ross made U.S. history when he reversed the wrongful deportation of a Lynn, MA man. Jeff’s effective advocacy led to the man’s safe return from Guatemala to his wife and three U.S. citizen children. Jeff is a co-founder of the Brockton Task Force on Civil Rights and Public Safety, an organization that fosters open lines of communication between law enforcement agencies, community leaders and citizens to reduce recidivism and prevent discrimination and brutality.
As an openly gay man, who knows firsthand the painful effects of prejudice, Jeff is an ardent advocate for GLBT rights. Most recently Jeff has worked to build consensus around Representative Carl Sciortino’s Transgender Hate Crimes Bill, calling on the Cambridge City Council to publicly support the bill, to which the Council quickly responded with a Policy Order.
Protecting Progressive values is more than votes at meetings, more than a phone call or a letter. It’s the willingness and the know-how to take on any foe in order to protect the rights of a fellow human being. When it comes to tough social justice issues, Jeff Ross has a history of pushing for real change. We need a State Senator who will fight for social justice and push for positive social change.
Elect Jeff Ross, Democrat, on September 11.