Here he says:
Early 2006 – …. When the committee chairs were announced, Councillor Decker (who, along with Councillor Galluccio, has maintained the worst record of committee attendance during her time on the Council) was surprisingly given four committees to chair.
On that same page, if you look at the left column, you can see what Winters is talking about – Galluccio has shown up at less than half of the City Council meetings.
Is that the kind of presence we want in the state house for this district? Someone who gets elected but never shows up? (Attended 30 of more than 63 meetings during 06-07 season.)
No innuendo, no accusations, just the facts ma’am.
Please share widely!
robertwinters says
In fact, I believe Anthony Galluccio has attended and actively participated in every Cambridge City Council meeting for a very long time. I know this because I attend almost all of them myself.
The table referenced that I maintain at shows attendance at City Council subcommittee meetings and gives no percentages at all. It simply measures how many subcommittee meetings each city councillor has attended. The number is affected by how many committees each councillor sits on. Some committees consist of three members, some five, and two are committees of the whole (nine).
I do not generally record attendance at full City Council meetings since all of the councillors are there most of the time. For the record, the award for worst attendance at City Council meetings goes to Councillor Decker who, at one point last year, failed to show at three or four meetings in a row.
In Cambridge, Councillors Davis and Sullivan attend many committee meetings, including some for which they are not even members, so they top the list. Some councillors have held committee meetings primarily as political acts to build a voting constituency around some issue. This practice does come at a cost – City staff generally have to put in a lot of time to respond to all the needless requests of these committee chairs, time that would be better spent on useful things.
I did take issue with the way the current Cambridge City Council committees were appointed, but that problem is rooted with the current mayor who cut one too many deals in order to get his five votes to become mayor.
In response to the closing line, “No innuendo, no accusations, just the facts ma’am”, I simply want to say that you did not get your facts right.
bob-neer says
And thank you also for the excellent Cambridge Civic Journal.
I think what we have here is an excellent example of the power of internet-based transparency and broad distribution of information.
Do you have anything to say for yourself Political Inaction?
political-inaction says
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have something to say for myself – clearly I was wrong and misunderstood Winters’ listing.
The chart I referenced is titled “City Council Committee meetings chaired and attended (2006-2007) (includes reports up to July 30)”
It does NOT say anything about subcommittee meetings, so I confused “Committee” with “Council”.
The data I pulled from the chart was errorneous in not differentiating between the two. Apparently the chart does NOT reference City Council meetings so what I said was erroneous. For that I apologize.
political-inaction says
The subject line above was a temporary placeholder until I got my facts straight. I stand corrected COMPLETELY for the error.
Sorry to make an apology to an apology.
jconway says
I wonder who made the lopsided baseless bashing this time, your name says it all-all innuendo no facts. Thanks for the good laugh and thanks for the information Robert you’re always my first source for info on Cambridge politics.
political-inaction says
The truth, jconway, is that I have admitted to an error in fact and have done what I can to correct it but publicly admitting the error.
You, on the other hand,continue to spout unsubstantiated, baseless accusations without providing any data.
How about providing some proof for your accusations and then we can talk.
robertwinters says
On this matter, give credit to “Political Inaction” for owning up graciously to an error.
We could all use a little more grace in this forum. It’s disturbing to see how much hostility is being vented over this race for the seat vacated by Barrios.
What I saw at last week’s candidates debate were three intelligent men seeking election. There were no bad guys. I do have a favorite in this race (Galluccio), but now that I’ve met three of the four candidates I’m convinced that they’re all decent people and good candidates. Let’s hope that they all keep their punches above the belt from now on.
jconway says
I agree with you that there are three very qualified progressive candidates in Nowicki, Flahtery, and Galluccio. I agree with you that we should hit above the belt if we need to hit at all and let each of this fine distinguished public servants run on their records.
That said Political Inaction while he did admit the error is only going after Galluccio, and only hitting him on the DUI charge. I also find it interesting that he is a Jeff Ross supporter.
Could it be that Galluccio has a fine and distinguished progressive record to run on and Ross has well to put it politiely a shorter record? Or that Galluccio is essentially as progressive on all the issues as Jeff Ross? Could it be that he actually has lived in and sweated for his community?
I am saying if you seriously have reservations about Galluccio they should be about more than just DUIs and about record, issues, and accomplishments. I think the opposition to him on those relevant areas is too think and thats why your aiming for these low blows.
political-inaction says
I said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about DUI. Read the posts!! Where did I say anything about that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
You keep putting up bs arguments and accusations.
1. You accuse Ross of illegal fundraising activity but provide no proof.
2. You accuse Ross of something unsavory in a car accident where he was rear-ended but provide no proof.
3. Now you’re leveling a personal attack on me when I have said absolutely nothing, ever, about any DUI incident.
Get it together, stop your accusations, and grow up.
thinkingliberally says
You appear to have gone off the deep end.
PI read something that suggests that Gallucio was an absentee councilor, wrote about it, had the record corrected by the person who wrote that document, and he realized he made a mistake. Rather than do what most people on here do and figure out a way to distort the document or defend himself, he instead backed down, acknowledged the mistake, and apologized.
You decided to take advantage of this by issuing a series of personal attacks on PI, with no cause. And personal attacks on Jeff Ross, which appears to be exactly the kind of thing you’re whining about as wrongheaded.
For me, just on a personal level, Gallucio’s repeated DUIs, and his willingness to use his political influence both times to get out of a charge, is a pretty huge black mark against him. But I can’t fathom where you’re coming up with these accusations against PI where he brought them up. And I’m not clear about why you’ve decided to take shots at Ross, who, by the way, I decidedly do NOT support either.
But if your posts backing Gallucio are in any way representative of the kind of leadership that Gallucio intends to provide, I’d suggest you’re giving us all more reasons to find someone else to back in that race.
camb02139 says
Bravo TL. I couldn’t agree with you more.