There were few other sharp defining questions but in the closing statements Eillen Donoghue launched an attack on Emily’s List as a “special interest” group that was distorting other candidates records. Donoghue then said that Tsongas had failed to say anything to distance herself from these distortions of other candidate’s records. I don’t know exactly what she was referring to and would be interested to hear if others know the background.
Overall Tsongas seemed to be a bit smug and at one point in her closing she talked about how many people she knew in Washington and how she would be effective because she had known Barney Frank and others for so many years.
I came as a committed supporter of Jamie Eldridge and left that way.
Was there any mention of this important topic?
Eldridge is done, his performance was lackluster at best, The darling boy needs money!! What Jamie needs more than money is supporters…he is now 4th..and at last nights debate he had 7-10 sign holders in two different locations…not one of them was over 17, if only his PAID holders and CHILDREN volunteers could vote!!
One issue keeps running thru his 2004, his 2006 and now this election…way to many “Children Around” somethings up!
“Jamie” is in 4th and before primiray day will be 5th out of 5…That will be great for his alleged State Sensate Run, when the ever retiring Resor decides to retire!
When “Jamie” stands next to mormal democrats he is shown to be the ultra left, way past, past liberal, more towards socialist that he is…
And FYI Ogonowski is NO Republican, he is as much of a Republican as is Teirney is, and Tierney was a Dem until about a month before the special election. Ogonowski is an opportunist, who is running on the soul of his dead brother, a mid level Air Force officer who flew a desk for a living. if there had been 5 Republicans running and no Dems, all my money says he would have been a Dem.
He flips more than a beef patty at McDonalds… He will be the only one in the general to loose as bad as “Jamie” will in the primary!
Tom Tierney was a Democrat in 2000 and has run as a Republican since 2002. While I agree he is more like a Democrat and an opportunist, you should get your facts straigh.
As far as Ogonowski goes, I guess you don’t like his social stances. He is more libertarian socially than conservative. But I don’t know how you can call someone not a Republican that believes in a strong defense, lower taxes, simplifying the tax code, protecting our borders and against amnesty. I also take offense to you calling him an opportunist. Have you met the man? I’ve not met a more down to earth individual running. He’s not a millionaire like Tsongas and Donoghue, or a career politician like Finegold, Eldridge and Miceli. Nor is he a political gadfly like Tierney. He’s a hardworking farmer and career military man who knows what it’s like to struggle to make mortgage payments and send two kids to college. I’d rather have the latter as my congressman. Unfortunately I no longer live in the District.
You Sir
1. Should check YOUR facts ref Tierney..He may have RUN as an R, but did not VOTE as an R…
2. Should check your facts ref Ognowski. I do not care if you take offense, he is in fact an opportunist.. a. His IRAQ mistake pamphlet…He would NOT comment on
the war until he got out of the service..He retired on a Thursday, the pamphlet was mass produced, (High color, glossy, and mailed all over too include his former Commander In PANDER) and sent out the day prior to his campaign office opening in Chelmsford…oh yea and you can get that type of printing in that mass quantity and mailed in TWO business days!! His statement would have had more of an impact in a personal letter to his superiors or the Commander in Chief WHILE HE WORE THE UNIFORM. His statement insults those who have and are now serving! PERIOD b. Strong national defense…”I don’t like the idea of a fence, it sends the wrong message” (Ref his opinion on securing our boarders) out of his mouth not mine…
PANDERING c. Pro Choice,
Yes I’ve met him, Thank you for asking…He flew a desk
and was a mid level manager in the USAF..He will Win on the R side, Niki on the D side, Hayes on the I side, and he will fade in the debates…All with Republican party (Head) support, so they will again bet it all on one man to the detriment of the R’s and come in second, maybe third out of three!
And the “progressives” on the left, (killing the D party) will whine as Jamie did not get it..Look at the sign holder comments, the are already starting…
…AND the Country club elites on the R side will whine over their martini’s and the zero sum will be more, much more of the same!
And you know this…How? Standing in the booth with him? Gossip you have heard? What?
Which is entirely proper. While part of the chain of command, whether flying desks, planes, camels, or spacecraft, the Armed Services have a very strict protocol as to what you can say and who can say what.
Jim has known that he would run for months. He has been preparing for this. He knew what he thought and what he wants to say – why on earth would he NOT be prepared to run? He may have been precluded from speaking publicly, but not from thinking or knowing what he wanted to say. Or even visiting Staples, as long as there was no DISTRIBUTION of material before his retirement.
How do you know he did NOT write a PERSONAL letter? The same way you know how Tierney acted in a voting booth? But while he was IN the uniform, he was barred from making any public statement. That is the code of military discipline, and he has behaved in an honorable fashion. Get over it.
I realize that Democratic candidates don’t pay attention to military matters, as they are beneath them, but Jim did the right thing.
BTW – the GOP isn’t a litmus test party like the Democrats – we allow people to run as pro-life or as pro-choice. It’s why pro-life Democrats often vote for us.
That line is more offensive than anything “truthteller” has written. That kind of slime might be a hit at a GOP State Committee meeting, Peter, but you’re fooling yourself if you think anyone’s gonna buy that circa 2003 talking point here. If you’re going to go to the wayback machine for your obsolete slogans, why not add in that Democrats don’t have fiscal discipline, and that the Republican party freed the slaves?
NOTE the minute you get slammed by the extreme left YOU
apologize…The left is now and always has been weak on Defense, unless you go back, way back to REAL: Blue collar Dem’s, JFK comes to mind
Note 2..They are also big on spending…they just recently tried to hide it AFTER Lady P said they would be open and said nothing wrong so no need to seek forgiveness from progressives, you’ll not get it anyway.
6. And you are making a joke right, no litmus test for the R’s…BEST, absolute BEST laugh I’ve had all day….Why is the party head so fixated on “O” he mentions his name every other speech, never mentions his REPUBLICAN opponent….HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM…Why do they exclude EVERY other person running or contemplating a run…
Enjoy the Day!
As stated…one side is going to whine as the “Real Progressive” got hammered…They are doing it now read “Jamies got a gun” and other TRUTHFUL Eldridge posts, and you R’s are going to whine because like 06 in Mass, 07 is NOT going to be a good year..the country club R’s will be broke, riding the wrong horse, and sad.
….this –
…with this –
From what you say, Jim doesn’t HAVE a Republican opponent. And it’s all in one post.
And I didn’t apologize to you, I apologized for stereotyping all Democrats, when there are some that don’t deserve the anti-military label.
You can get that produced in two days. I am in the printing industry and do it all the time. All the time. If you are ever in need of something that quick, please let me know. I’d love to do it for you.
I assume you are what you say…my experience does not
indicate that…BUT I’d bet you don’t do the writing etc and include that in a two day turn around, and are you including mailing out as well…
No matter..
Thanks for a civil response…Enjoy the day!
I was a sign holder for Jamie last night as well and though most of the sign holders were young, almost all were voting age. “Truthteller” will be surprised on election day when the Eldridge campaigns door to door and phone canvassing work pays off. Last night the Eldridge campaign was running three phone banks instead of putting all it’s volunteers into sign holding before the candidate debate.
I’m amazed that people actually feel that the strength of a campaign is measured in sign holders. Any campaign wasting its volunteers on holding signs at a debate doesn’t actually have a plan for winning an election. You win elections by talking to voters.
It seems pretty clear that Niki will win this primary election, even though her support is soft, and her supporters seem to like her either because she’s a woman, or simply because they’ve heard her last name before. I pray that her campaign chooses to offer voters a little more than that after the primary. Olgonowski is no joke.
I do believe that Jamie will do better than many people expect. But only if he continues to have volunteers doing something more worthwhile with their time than holding signs.
Your Jamie will come in 4th if not 5th…You can have the USMC calling and standing and on and on, if the message is garbage it won’t sell…
I can tell he is doing great…loaned himself 5K..3 campaign managers, minimal signing, no TV…
Get him out of the pan he is done maybe 11% of the vote…