The recently released tape of the arresting officer’s interview with Senator Craig buries whatever credibility the beleagured man might ever have had. It is clear that Craig is a pathological liar, or more precisely a pathological denier. His life was built on a segmentation of his homosexual tendencies such that he denied his own conduct in his tea room pursuits, probably even to himself. The public policies and cultural attitudes he supported are what destroyed him. Gay is bad in the mindset which he perpetuated and which imprisioned him. He could not enjoy privileged status as a gay man in Idaho, so he built his right wing world around a lie.
I think Senator Craig believes the delusion he showed so clearly on that audio tape, and in his statement in Boise. It’s very sad that such schizophrenia is what the right wing would expect of its homosexuals. The recent criminal episode offers a window into a world of unimaginable tortures, which have just increased exponentially for Craig.
There has been an uncomfortable level of Schadenfreude among GLBT activists, but there is also anguish at seeing the familiar personal destruction that invariably stemmed from exposure of homosexual conduct in the pre-Stonewall days. And despite our distaste for Senator Craig (who is homosexual but not gay) it’s painful to see the double standard at work so clearly. Senators Stevens and Vitter are being coddled while the self-hating homosexual is thrown to the wolves. It should be obvious why the man who admitted to having sex with Craig at Union Station recently left the Republican Party.
Here’s the audio.
Idaho has Sen. “Wide-Stance” Craig, and Cambridge has Councilor “Black Ice” Galluccio. Both men managed to hide from the Press at first, but the Press caught up with them. Bloggers take note. If the police blotter is not online, you have to go to the police station to check it.
does indeed have all the stench of something MSM would endorse.
1. It contributes to the loss of credibility of the US government.
2. It occupies otherwise useful “news” bandwidth by steering away from the truely catastrophic in favor of the trivial.
3. Of special note is CNN and Faux’s almost mirror like “coverage” of the entire event. News isn’t scripted, propaganda is.
…they are laughing about it here in Germany.