From the Washington Post, an interesting story about how Mitt is attempting to buy the Iowa straw poll. There’s some unhappy Iowans, angry that an East Coast liberal is going to buy the straw poll.
A new Internet blog called Iowa Values Not for Sale blasted Romney for trying to buy Iowa votes. “Some of these consultants are friends of ours. It’s hard to blame them for accepting the money,” the author wrote. “However just because he is paying our friends does not mean that our votes are for sale.”
They even made this little YouTube video:
It just keeps going on and on and on….
He’s running to the right as hard as he can, and money is no problem. Funny thing though, ol’ Double Guantanamo Mitt, can’t seem to convince some of the locals.
That “Iowa values” link cracked me up”
Within roughly 300 words, the writer of that post calls Romney a “liberal” 8 times, and of course, there’s the “liberal media”.
I’m with you Pablo. When Romney comes back to MA to campaign, that’s when I become a “political cunsultant”. Ka-Ching!
that’s the whole point behind the straw poll, isn’t it?
This is the biggest fundraiser for the Iowa GOP, and the fact that Giuliani and McCain are skipping it hurts their bottom line, which is always good news in a swing state…
Is the AMES straw poll GOP only? If not, do Democrats also charge?
The Dems’ big thing is the Jefferson-Jackson event held closer to the caucuses.
They’re called Jefferson/Jackson because when they began the idea was to ask people to donate a Jefferson ($5) and a Jackson ($20) to the party. There isn’t an entry fee, but there is some non-subtle prodding to donate.
Remors that Republicans don’t have too many J-J events because their top activists don’t carry that kind of small change are unsubstantiated at this time.
…although it has been a long time since I got into one for five bucks.
Jefferson’s on the $2 bill. Lincoln’s on the $5. So the Jefferson-Jackson combo would be $22.
It’s GOP only. Sponsored by the Iowa Republican Party.
Makes you wonder if that video started a bidding war once “neighbors” saw how much the others were getting paid!
I wonder where the high bid would end up….