I don’t want to be a rules nitpicker, but the posts on the front page seem to be getting very long lately before going below the fold.
Can people limit what they put above the fold? I hate scrolling past some of those really long ones.
Minor complaint, yes.
Please share widely!
above the fold, do you think?
I thought there used to be a suggestion somewhere here. No more than three paragraphs or something.
I’d say 10 or 12 lines is plenty as a general rule. But certainly nothing that takes a full screen when posted.
David, when is the next open thread?
And if anyone needs me, I’ll be here:
This is my first consistent participation in a blog, and it really helps me to get feedback like this. I will keep the “above the fold” to a teaser! Say about a modest paragraph? A bit longer than this post, say? Just asking.
more than that is fine. there’s got to be enough to tease us into the post.
I’m more concerned about the ones the really long ones with block quotes and dozens of lines of text.
Again, just a minor way to make things a little easier to navigate. I don’t want o be a hall monitor or anything.
Because here are some thoughts floating in my head, with no place to put them:
Kong? I date myself.
The name of the game is Donkey Kong, the name of the movie, King Kong.
Or Lindsay Lohan. Though both are in the red zone.
And just to keep it political, Richardson has had a rough month, but it’s early days.
…we kind of liked Lindsay Lohan in the Praire Home Companion movie. We liked the whole movie, unlike a lot of “critics.”
Regarding Walken playing himself, I am reminded that some people believe that Rhett Butler was denied an Oscar in 1939 because the critics believed that the actor (Clark Gable) was merely playing himself. So? That’s why he was hired for the role.
From a 2004 speech. Geo. W has set the stage. Now Rudolph will make us dance.
Emphasis mine. Sportin’ Life pointed us to this quote over at Pam’s House Blend, where Pam relates that Rudolph has hired the same PR firm that created the racist ads attacking Harold Ford, Jr. in 2006. Nice fella.
or at least really small ones please. Other graphics like charts usually require substantially fewer kBs than photos [which are quite complex mathematically], and for those of us who have slower connections but want a quick browse, the photos don’t add enough value.
Like all of these comments, nothing is a hard and fast rule of course. Just general guidance…
…No graphics over 50 KB on the front page, anything above that (including youtube links) under the fold, and warn if a link is to a PDF file.
PDF files can take forever to download on a dial-up connection. It used to take me hours to download an e-paper copy of Der Spiegel (typically 50-60 MB), and the download oftentimes failed, requiring a re-start. That’s the main reason we got fiber optic service in the US.
attach information in PDFs, rather than putting the same information right in the text of the e-mail? I so prefer to have my information in the body of the e-mail. I find it particularly problematic when they take a pdf that was clearly designed to be printed, and then send it by e-mail.
…PDFs can be quite useful for page-oriented media. Such as e-paper. When we are in the US, we can, over our fast link, download a PDF document of Der Spiegel, that is page for page identical to the print version. It takes about a half hour The time is extended because of the delay of the Spiegel server; if the server could download it as fast as our computer could receive it would only talke a couple of minutes.
The problem with PDFs is that they can oftentimes take a long time to download, take up bandwidth, and sometimes different versions of PDF viewers can’t take the file. I have tried to install the most recent version of Acrobat Reader here in Munich, but it demands to have certain versions of precursor programs installed here before it will load. That is idiotic. If what they need is not on the computer, Adobe (PDF’s manufacturer) should supply them.
any or all of the following:
to preserve page formatting
It is not unusual for us to find that stuff printed out from HTML cuts off a line or two between pages. It is terribly annoying. PDFs are much better, but they can take a long time to download, particularly if there are pictures in them
BTW, it is possible to alter the text of a PDF. Not with PDF reader, but with the full Acrobat suite, which I have in the US.
As another BTW, I don’t know whether it’s possible to copy text from a PDF file from PDF Reater, but it is possible to do so with the full Acrobat suite.
but with acrobat you can copy, alter text, etc, as you mentioned. i think you can also password protect the doc to prevent others changing it, but i might be misremembering that. been a while since i had access.
…I don’t know about password protecting a doc against alteration, but you can password protect a doc against being opened. It’s somewhat similar to password-protecting a file in WinZip.
With Acrobat, you certainly can copy text from a PDF file into a text file. I’ve done that many times. Acrobat, unlike reader, though, is not free.
If you had to click below the fold to read
Honestly, it probably would have made my <a href="http://www.leftahead.comBlog of the Week. LOL.