Here a Big Dig contractor admits guilt in supplying substandard concrete to the project.
Why aren’t indictments being sought for the folks who accepted these batches? As a matter of routine, on each pour, sample are taken and left aside to cure. Those hardened cylinders are typically tested for strength after curing 14 and 21 days, sometimes longer.
After a couple of these loads, the field project managers would have been alerted to this substandard concrete, and corrective actions (and legal actions) would have — should have — been taken to ensure the safety of the project.
Who were these field managers, who tested the concrete samples, and who was responsible for making sure the work was repaired?
Any wonder why the Big Dig leaks?
Where is the accountability?
this has the potential to be a major, major problem. The whole project is concrete, and a bunch of it is going to fail. The engineers probably have a good idea of where this substandard concrete is, but how do you remove it? An absolute nightmare.
Bechtel/Parsons had to have been seen those concrete test results. They were the construction managers on the projcet, and this is their area of expertise. They’ve been engineering & overseeing huge concrete projects since the Hoover Dam!
They’re also the largest engineering firm in the USA (the 9th largest privately held firm of any kind), and they’re extremely well connected politically. Former Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz is a past Bechtel Corp. president, and board member. Recently departed Reagan Secretary of Defense Cap Weinberger, similar deal. On Bechtels board of directors right now: Judith Fucking Miller!
No-bid Iraq reconstruction contracts for Bechtel Corp? No problem. BTW, the Big Dig was ‘cost plus’ for Bechtel. Sweet.
Keep in mind that the concrete being poured in Iraq makes the Big Dig look like a wheelchair ramp.
As was pointed out in the Globe expose a few years back, Bechtel paid no penalty for neglecting to include the Fleet Center in their design and engineering drawings, which they put out to bid!! In fact, they charged for the remediation! And that barely scratches the surface.
Bechtel has the best political influence & lawyers that money can buy, and I don’t see how they will be held to account. A few ‘little guys’ will pay fines, go out of business, etc. but Bechtel? Untouchable IMHO.
As we’ve just seen, the Mass. attorney general is interested in negotiating a settlement with Bechtel/Parsons, not indicting them. It will be a win-win for the AG and for Bechtel, although not so much for firms without such deep pockets, and I’m not sure for the state as a whole.