Obama is running Spanish commercials in Nevada which identify him as a Christian. It’s smart politics, very smart. And it’s the only thing he can do if he wants to win.
He’s already been attacked by the Republican Noise Machine as “Barack Hussein Obama” with implications that he’s Muslim. While CNN may have debunked one of the falsehoods, it is clear that the GOP will hammer this false meme over and over until enough low-information voters think it’s true.
He can’t cede one inch to the Noise Machine on this. So he’s gotta run those ads proclaiming he’s a Christian.
Please share widely!
kbusch says
I had not thought about this point. I think my liberal separation-of-church-and-state reflex caused me to overlook it. Thank you for pointing it out.
joeltpatterson says
Personally, I think a person’s beside the point of whether they can do the job well. And while Obama’s not my top choice (I wish his plan would actually mandate every American citizen got health insurance the way Edwards’ plan does), it does us no good to let the usual suspects (the Noise Machine and the MSM institutions who take their cues from it) harm any of our candidates with B.S.
joeltpatterson says
“a person’s RELIGION is beside the point”
bean-in-the-burbs says
And why we haven’t heard from David decrying this ‘politics as usual’?
sabutai says
The radio ads saying Obama is Christian? Or the Republicans implying that Obama is Muslim?
You do realize that not everyone who thinks Obama is unready to be president is affiliated with Hillary Clinton, right?
david says
bean-in-the-burbs says
Includes this:
I was referring to this & wondering whether there was any truth to the HRC campaign being the source. If so, this would be even uglier campaigning than the mild insinuations we all discussed yesterday.
If I recall correctly, the Washington Times is owned by the Unification Church, and the paper’s editorial independence has been questioned, so who knows?
melanie says
Obama even discredited it.
bean-in-the-burbs says
But I was curious about who gave the false story originally to Insight Magazine? Was it really the Clinton campaign as asserted?
joeltpatterson says
Insight knows they don’t have to tell the truth, so while they are throwing dung at Obama, they try to say Hillary’s handprints are on the missiles.
It’s classic GOP technique, just like when Nixon’s boy Don Segretti used Ed Muskie’s letterhead to write a letter saying Scoop Jackson fathered a kid with a 17-year-old girl.
BTW, in 2000, Donald Segretti was co-chair of McCain’s campaign in Orange County.
Do not trust anything Insight Magazine has to say about a Democrat.
melanie says
madrassa smear if that is what you are referring to. Even Obama’s camp has said she is not involved.
bean-in-the-burbs says
How would the Obama campaign know the paper’s source?
melanie says
Look it up on their website. Honestly, this is a baseless smear. But, feel free to perpetuate it.
bean-in-the-burbs says
They report that Insight Magazine is the only source for the claim that the HRC campaign planted the smear. And as I’ve noted, Insight Magazine is a questionable source. So, who knows?
melanie says
“who know’s”, it’s always best to stay away from such aligations. What do you say?
jaybooth says
That you’re really Michael Jackson. Which I’m positive of. So who knows, right? No countervailing evidence..
tblade says
…and her South America trip last year was a mission to abort the fetus!
Do you have a source that disproves that? No, didn’t think so.
So, who knows?
jimc says
… disproves the premise, in my view. Better to keep religion out of politics.
raj says
…my opinion of Obama went down more than a few notches when he decided to wear his religion–not his faith, but his religion–on his sleeve.
What did Jesus tell us about praying in private, not in public? (Paraphrase, of course)
they says
what did Muhammed tell Barak about it?
they says