We had a great crowd and a lot of fun at the Blue Mass Group party at the Blue Mass Coyote Grille last night. There were close to 30 people there including the BMG endorsed candidate in the Fifth CD, Jamie Eldridge. Charley, John, Carl, David and a number of regular posters were there along with other readers and people who has spent the day volunteering. The ball game was an added plus. We talked about campaigns, the state party, GOTV, DFA, Sage versus VAN and of course blogging. When I introduced Charley to some of the folks, he did admit that his fame has not quite gotten to the point where he is stopped in the supermarket!
If anyone is interested in helping out in these last few days of our primary election efforts, just call the campaign at 978-929-2975 or e-mail me directly at KateDonaghue@aol.com .
Thanks Charley for coming out to the Fifth and for organizing this gathering!
Kate, volunteer, Eldridge campaign
Anyone who missed it missed out on somthing very special – a gorgeous day, a whole lot of energized volunteers, and a simply awesome gathering at the end of the day – with a no-hitter in his second start for Clay Buchholz!
To Kate for putting together the effort and bringing us all together; to JohnT001 for driving, and for his sterling company; to all the folks in the Eldridge office, who are working their butts off; and to Jamie for running such a solid, principled, courageous campaign. It was great to see everyone last night.
And yes, they still do need your help! Now's the time to give Kate a jingle and get yourself out to the 5th district. There's a lot of work yet to be done.
Sorry I couldn't be there (I'm in TN for the weekend!) Sounds like a great time!
I seem to have been missing the best of the best for tha last year or so. I so wanted to meet the BMG'ers in person. Next time, I'll be there. I will contribute some more dollars to Jamie because it's the best I can do for now. I wish I was in the district so that I could make my vote count!
I am on dial up and away myself…maybe the next time!