With 92.9% 100% of the vote in from the 1st Suffolk, Carlo Basile is posting a strong lead has won [update by David]. Remember, there are no other party candidates running. So, the winner of the Democratic primary will stand for election unopposed next month. After tonight his/her election is a mere formality, barring some write-in campaign.
92.9% 100% Reporting:
Carlo Basile, 2071 votes
Jeff Drago, 1549
Gloribell Mota, 714
Mary Berniger, 156
District 7 city council preliminary: these contests are non-partisan and serve to winnow the field down to the top two vote-getters who will stand for election in the municipal contest in November.
87.1% 100% Reporting:
Chuck Turner (i), 1476 votes
Carlos Henriquez, 317
Althea Garrison, 151
District 9 city council preliminary: Incumbent Jerry McDermott did not seek reelection (in fact, he moved out of the district) prompting a spirited race featuring several well known activists. These results may or may not include the famed Wallingford Road, a polling location that can make or break a candidacy. (take it from one who knows).
70.4% 100% Reporting:
Mark Ciommo, 1406 votes
Greg Glennon, 1250
Tim Schofield, 965
Rosie Hanlon, 576
Alex Selvig, 293
James Jenner (withdrawn from race), 28
It’s official: Carlo Basile wins with 2071 votes. His next competitor, Jeff Drago, has earned 1549 votes, followed by Gloribell Mota with 714 votes and Mary Berniger with 156 votes. Congrats to all for running a spirited race!
In the Allston/Brighton fight Mark Ciommo seems to be a lock for advancement to the final election (disclosure: I’m a Ciommo supporter) yet there seems to be an upset brewing for the second spot. Tim Schofield, an impressive candidate who was seen by many as the front-runner for this seat, is a couple of hundred votes behind Greg Glennon and in third place. Perhaps Wallingford Road broke for Glennon who seems to be the sole conservative in the race. It is interesting to note that these two men both ran for the open state rep’s seat in 2005 that Mike Moran won. Schofield was right behind Moran when all the votes were counted with Glennon a bit further back in 3rd place. Could they have switched places this go ’round?
Ciommo, and even Glennon, just plain have more history and local roots then Tim.
Given how conserative Glennon is (if I remember correctly MassEquality took an unusal step of endorsing Tim even when Moran was pro-equal marriage because they were concerned about a Glennon victory)I would hope BMG and the progressive community get behinf Ciommo and works for his election in November.
Disclaimer – my union endorsed Ciommo in the primary.
I voted and voluteered for Schofield, but I’m in the anyone-but-Glennon camp.
Congrats on your preliminary victory, and hopefully he’ll bring it home in the final election.
Some of you may remember that Glennon ran as a Republican against Rep. Capuano in 2002. He couldn’t get the signatures to get on the ballot, but I’d trust him as a Dem about as much as I’d trust his former boss.
With 91% in, Chuck Turner has captured 76% of the vote in a three way fight to retain his seat. First time candidate Carlos Henriquez, an aide to Councilor Michael Flaherty and community activist will finish second with about 17% of the vote. Perenial candidate (and former one term GOP State Representative) Althea Garrison was third with 7%. Turner and Henriquez will appear on the ballot in November.
First thanks to Matt for the timely update. The Basile victory is an indicator that the Democratic party remains more big tent then the Republicans by a mile.
Congrats to Jeff Drago and Gloribell Mota for spirited races and having the courage to stand for election. They should be proud of the races they ran.
To Carlo Basile (disclaimer here – my union endorsed him) congrats on the win and on resisting going negative in this race. Community activism and grassroots won this one.
That they sent out a mailer to get people not to vote for him. I think Carlo becomes and independent and tells John Walsh to stick it, immediately after the swearing in.
and then he’s got to get along with Sal, Deval, et al. Good luck to Carlo on going it alone, if that’s what he chooses. I doubt he will.
Anyway, congrats to him — he obviously had his support lined up and beat a strong field.
to Gloribell, who is an interesting and creditable candidate, this was never a “strong field”. This was a two person race. The numbers prove that point.
The test for Gloribell will be if she stays politically active after a good first run.
plus one “interesting and creditable candidate” = “strong field” for me. I meant there were good choices.
Having met Gloribell at some length, “staying active” in one way or another will not be an issue for her. She’s got a lot going for her, and I hope she runs for something again.
Your statement was well presented
Carlo is a Dem and will stay one. And I am guessing his voting record will piss you off in the long term.
While we’re waiting on the final results from District 9, it’s important to give credit to three local bloggers who have covered these races thoroughly and professionally. Jimbo at thehubster in East Boston and Michael Pahre and Harry Mattison in Allston/Brighton have given coverage, insight, analysis, and exposure where traditional media outlets did not. Every morning, I begin my day by reading the Globe and Herald before work. Today, I began by first reading their respective blogs to catch up on any news from the campaigns. They are all a credit to Boston politics and the blogosphere.
It’s official: Ciommo, Glennon advance to final election.
Ciommo, 1406 votes
Glennon, 1250
Schofield, 965
Hanlon, 576
Selvig, 293
Jenner, 28
Congrats to all for a great race. Running for office is one of the most difficult things you can do and you have all proven to be exceptional candidates.
Hopefully, progressives citywide will be more motivated for the final election. Wonder if a citywide ballot would have helped?
Strongly pro-worker, long time community activist. He will need every progressive’s assistance (and vote) to beat the very conserative Glennon