Dan “Search and Avoid” Conley gave us another sad example of why he shouldn't be D.A. A young assiatnt d.a. was drunk and got into an arguement with his fiance, who was also drunk, in the middle of Mass Ave. early one August morning. The argument was over her wanting to drive. So the fiance calls 911 and reports that he beat her and smashed her car window. The cops arrive and arrest him because by law they have to once the report of abuse is alleged. During the arrest however, the fiance had a change of heart and intefered with the police. She then got arrested too. It's reprted here
So what does Search and Avoid Conley do? He fires the assistant d.a. four days later and says this to the Globe:
“We took this action not to prejudge guilt or innocence, but because we take all charges of domestic violence extremely seriously and we hold our employees to the highest possible standards of legal and ethical conduct.”
Our D.A. is saying that if he got arrested he definitely did something wrong. Forget about the underlying facts. Forget about the real possibility that perhaps the facts were not as the fiance reported. Forget about the fact that our justice system, which Search and Avoid is an intrical part of, is suppose to get to the truth.
Rather than putting him on unpaid leave until the case was resolved and truth gotten to Conley pulls a pontius pilate. Not good for a prosecutor. Maybe good for a mayor or dog catcher. But not a prosecutor.
Too bad he won't go after corrupt and abusive police officers like he went after this kid.
I think Mike Flaherty sees the writing on the wall. Do you have the sense Flaherty is watching you dan? You should.
Handicapping Tuesday's Cambridge State Senate Race:
Tim Flaherty: 2:1 Daddy has reached back to the unions and old “friends” to see to it that frat boy has money and somewhat of an organization for election day. There may be some nice name confusion with Michael Flaherty, especially in Brighton and Charlestown. Globe endorsement gives many moon bats their marching orders and that will serve him well in Cambridge and perhaps among the toonies in Charlestown. Flaherty's main opposition is not Gallucio but Ross. He can't let Ross steal votes from him.
Big question. Will his election day forces get people to the polls that will cast a ballot for him? How serious are unions for him?
Gallucio 3:1 Perhaps he has sympathy vote out there? Does he have enough though. I don't think so. Everett is not a shoe in for him. Although he is Italian he has a Cambridge address. Flaherty has campaigned there before, George Keverian, the man that made his old man Speaker is still there and owed a few favors, and there are many irish voting in Everett. Norwicki is a neighbor from right next store in Chelsea and many in Everett may feel more comfortable with a guy from there side of the world then one from Cambridge.
Norwicki 3:1 He is son of firefighter and that goes over big on the other side of the bridge in Charlestown. He can also grab some real numbers in Everett. If he gets his vote out in Chelsea, does well in Charlestown and gets a respectable showing in Everett he can win. Let the others beat each other up in Cambridge and he keeps his own forces in line and builds upon it in Everett. A sleeper.
Ross 4:1 All reports are that this guy is working and organized and has been spending money. Especially on mailings. He will steal votes from Flaherty. He will be first choice for many. Does he have enough of these moonbats to come out for him Tuesday? I don't think so.
Final Analysis: This is a special election for state senate stuck between municipal elections throughout the district. That makes it much tougher to get vote out. people just don't know and some what confused. This race, more so than most, depends on who getsa their vote out.
I'm guessing a Nowicki upset.
Galluccio wins Everett and wins the race. It's all about the field baby and Galluccio has field.