I heard an ad for your company by Jav Severin on a radio station in Boston. While I am currently in the market to buy a mattress, I crossed your company off my list because of the foul-mouthed deeply repulsive Jay Severin. I would recommend you use less offensive spokespeople for your product. You will be under boycott from me and family until I learn you have dropped Jay Severin.
I hope others will join me in this and similar efforts.
Please share widely!
The other side of the coin is bringing back progressive talk radio. I'm involved with a group that is working hard to do just that.
If you find progressive talkers like Jim Braude, who is funny and fair, you'll get far. If you bring about the hate America first fest that was Air America you'll fall flat on your face as they did.
Progressive radio fails because progressives get bored listening to eachother recite the same talking points over and over again, in a way that conservatives simply don't seem to. When I listen to conservative radio, be it sports radio on WEEI or Severin or Carr, the hosts relish sycophants, and revile anyone that dare disagree with them.
Whereas liberals prefer the intellectual stimulation of WBUR. Or even these boards. Personally, I love it that you're here, Gary's here, Peter's here…It makes it fun. The most fun we've had on here so far I think was eleciton season last year, when we got to disagree with eachother.
…that I will be engaging in a “Jane, you ignorant slut..” – type debate with a full fledged Liberal – an Epicopalian from CT who saw the light and became a Hindu and a Progressive, who now teaches at an expensive private school. The debate will be, 'what is a Liberal? What is a Conservative?'.
I agree – resistance toughens the mind!
Actually PP, I was on right before you one time and you made reference to one of my comments–small world huh?
“insultingly stupid“
Something like Don “I’m an ass” In The Morning.
Severin should be on AM1150. And maybe he’ll end up there. IIRC, he’s broadcasting from somewhere on Lon gIsland, so why is he doing a program especially for a Boston radio station? Couldn’t he get work from a NYC station?
Oh, by the way, you were precisely correct. The way to attack offensive talk show hosts is not to contact the stations directly. You contact the sponsors, with copies to the stations’ program directors. The Wall Street Journal taught me that about 2 decades ago. I doubt, however, that then the libs would pick up on the rights’ tactics and use it against them.
Have you considered … I dunno … maybe not listening to his show if it bothers you so much?
… and nothing wrong with not giving custom to his advertisers either.
if you hear back from Dial-a-mattress. This kind of campaign has been successful elsewhere, and I have sometimes wondered whether it would work here.
on 96.9. From what I have read, ratings for talk radio are largely in the noise. But the programs are cheap to produce and broadcast. Profit is revenue minus expense, and if the expense is low, the profit is–well–acceptable.
The major killer is syndication, where you spread much of the expense over a number of broadcasters. That’s what Lamebrain’s syndicator did, that’s what Howie’s syndiator is trying to do, that’s what all of the syndicators on AM1150 are doing.
As far as I know, Severin, in his 96.9 gig, is not syndicated. But he, like others, may do a syndicated show on the side, on which he merely repeats the same old crap.
…that's why he's abck on drive time in Boston, he couldn't make the cut.
Both of these are via Internet streaming, by the way
(i) Ed Schultz. He’s oftentimes factually challenged, but at least he’s entertaining. I’m not a big fan of sports talk, but I’ll even listen to his sports talk. Why? Because of his entertaining presentation.
(ii) Stephanie Miller. She’s doing a comedy show with political overtones. They know it, and they actually do it very well.
The right wingers, Rush Lamebrain and the people on AM1150 are not entertaining. Lamebrain used to be, in the early 1990s, but he hasn’t been for a long time.
Why didn't you have an option for Egotistical Buffoon in your poll? Clearly that is what he is.