Medeiros died from terror on September 11. He died of a heart attack at only 25 years of age. Medeiros represents the millions suffering from ubiquitous migrant terror in the U.S.
Medeiros' aunt had this to say about him in the Boston Globe:
Medeiros was undocumented, having entered the United States through Mexico about eight years ago, his aunt, Meire Medeiros, said yesterday, speaking in Portuguese during a telephone interview from her Framingham home. “He came here to have a better life,”she said. Medeiros lived in Framingham with another aunt, Maisa Hamel…
“He never had any problems with his health; he was a young man,” said Meire Medeiros.
Another nephew of Meire Medeiros was picked up by Immigration and Customs enforcement and is scheduled for deportation.
Just last month, another Brazilian died from this terror in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Edmar Araujo, who is epileptic, died from a seizure after he was pulled over for a routine traffic stop. Needless to say psychological or physical stress is what causes a seizure. Worst of all, his sister claims to have tried to bring his epilepsy medicine to the local police that picked him up, but that information was not used to save his life. It's been over a month and we still don't have answers as to whether or not Araujo's death could have been prevented, and who is to blame.
Fortunately, Karen Ziner, a reporter with the small Rhode Island newspaper, the Providence Journal, has been aggressively pursuing the answers in Araujo's case. She put out two excellent reports, a report after he died, and a recent one that clarifies the 78 minutes that lead to his death, along with a chronology. The most disturbing detail Ziner has picked up is that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents migth not have followed procedure.
Among several questions posed to ICE authorities by The Journal last week, one was about protocol for transporting ICE detainees from one district to another, including how many agents are required when one person is being moved.
Woonsocket Police Chief Michael L.A. Houle said yesterday that only one agent came to transport Araujo to Providence.
ICE spokeswoman Paula Grenier directed a reporter to the Homeland Security Web site.
The protocol for land transportation of detainees does not state directly how many ICE agents must be involved when transporting a single detainee, however it does refer more than once to “a driver and assistant driver.”
The protocol states that “the escorting officer/assistant driver will instruct the detainees about rules of conduct during the trip,” and “the main driver is responsible for managing the detainees’ move from the staging area into the vehicle.” The assistant driver is also responsible “for detainee oversight during transport.”
That makes two traffic stops in over a month that have resulted in the deaths of Massachusetts Brazilian migrants.
Medieros would have attended the Brazil vs. Mexico soccer game in Gilette Stadium, today. I hope they observe a moment of silence for him, and for all of the migrants that are suffering from fear in the U.S.
Centro Presente will also be hosting a vigil at 5:30 PM, today, in front of Saint Lucas Church, 201 Washington Avenue, Chelsea, MA. I will be attending and taking pictures and video for those that are reading from afar.
See original post for updates.
Trying to make use of someone's unfortunate death when you don't know any other factors (his mother said he was healthy, but who knows if he had heart problems or drug problems?) and decide that he died from “terror” simply because it suits your position.
What if he was out driving when he had the heart attack? What if he swerved into the other lane and hit a van with a bunch of little kids and their mum? Would you have made a peep?You can't know, man. You can't assume. It's sad this guy is dead…every life is precious…but don't just make stuff up to help your case.
terror would be an understatement. Migrants aren't leaving their homes, they aren't going to school. They are afraid that at any moment their life as they know it could end. Heart attacks are induced by stress, so are seizures. You might consider terror to be an overstatement, but look how far the U.S. government has strechted the word “terror”.
maybe they should…i know, this is really racist and mean…but….immigrate legally. There, I said it.
“Pro-Legal Immigrant” and Ignorant.
for immigration orange. Lesson #4532, “get a green” card.
Or Cocaine.
Let me guess the evil State Police planted it in his system right? After all the “migrants” as you put it just come here to work.
Keep defending those Illegal Aliens. It will get you really far with the American public.
The good old Illegal Alien supporting Boston Globe refuses to use the correct term once again. This man was not an “Immigrant” he was an “Illegal Alien.”…
By John C. Drake, Globe StaffA 25-year-old Brazilian immigrant who died Tuesday after falling ill while in State Police custody had cocaine in his system at the time of his death, preliminary medical reports show.But it is too early to determine whether the drug played any role in the death of Maxsuel Medeiros of Framingham, said Steve O'Connell, a spokesman for Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett. Officials will release a cause of death following the results of a toxicology examination. O'Connell did not know when those results would be available. Medeiros was arrested after a traffic stop Aug. 31 on Interstate 495 near I-93. The driver was allowed to leave. But Medeiros, the passenger in the car, was arrested on outstanding warrants from Framingham District Court charging him with possession and intent to distribute cocaine, the district attorney's office said.Later that evening, Medeiros fell ill while in custody at the Andover State Police barracks. He was sent to Lawrence General Hospital and then to Massachusetts General Hospital. Medeiros died at 6 a.m. Tuesday after being taken off life support.Medeiros's family declined to comment today.Posted by the Boston Globe City & Region Desk at 07:38 PM
The Correct Term is Migrant
The generally accepted term is Illegal Alien.
…the correct term is “alien.” Whether or not the alien has enterred legally or illegally is a separate question.
KyleDeb’s use of “migrant” has been grating on me for a while, and I finally figured out why–hence my comment contrasting “migrant” with “alien.” John Steinbeck wrote a number of books regarding “migrants” within the US in the 1930s.
As far as I’m concerned if KyleDeb wants to be taken seriously s/he will start using “alien” instead of “migrant.”
diary with the word alien. I don't have to listen to what you believe is correct. I've already laid out my reasoning for a term for using a term that the rest of the world uses for these people. If you have a problem with it, don't act like it erodes my authority. That's your problem.
Kyledeb your 0-2 now. I know its tough for the Illegal Alien, Anti-American, Globalist crowd to state facts because facts hurt your cause. Let me guess the evil (RI) State Police planted the drugs again?
Oh yea and the “migrants” as You put it, are all law abiding people(besides entering the U.S. Illegally of course) just doing jobs us lazy Americans won’t do, right?
Shockingly the Boston Globe forgot the word “Illegal” again.
Yes the death of this person is sad but please do not blame America and its laws for it.…
Medical examiner: Immigrant died from cocaine, hydroxyzine
Edimar Alves Araujo, shown above in a family photo with his niece, died Aug. 7.By Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff Edimar Alves Araujo, the 34-year-old Brazilian immigrant who died Aug. 7 while in federal custody in Rhode Island, died of “acute intoxication” from the combined effects of cocaine and hydroxyzine, a medication used to treat anxiety and vomiting, the Rhode Island medical examiner's office reported today. Araujo, whose body was sent to Brazil for burial, also had a chronic seizure disorder that contributed to his death.
Araujo's official cause of death had been in dispute for weeks. His family had criticized police after he died, saying they rebuffed his sister's pleas to give him his epilepsy medicine. Police had denied the claim and said Araujo, an illegal immigrant, was fine when they turned him over to federal immigration authorities.
Araujo later fell ill and was pronounced dead at a hospital in Providence. Araujo's family declined to comment today because other investigations are ongoing, said lawyer Randy Olen.
Posted by the Boston Globe City & Region Desk at 04:04 PM
See the other ways migrant fear is being preyed upon.
See your comment and ShillelaghLaw's comment. Death doesn't matter for you or her because you've dehumanized migrants with your warped perception of unjust laws. The horrible sin of the pursuit of a better life is enough for the both of you to disqualify someone's death.
THAT is dehumanizing. Not my perception of the law.
Do you have clinical proof that this guy's heart attack was induced by the stress of being arrested?
People do die of heart attacks at unreasonably young ages some times, and until you can prove that this wasn't the case in this instance you should porbably refrain from saying he died of “terror.”
This entire post is garbage.
death from terror. Death from stress hasn't even been proved in Araujo's case from over a month ago, but it can be deduced.
This is the statement that I meant to be emblematic of what I was trying to say:
“Medeiros represents the millions suffering from ubiquitous migrant terror in the U.S.”
I checked out the link “Mother Jones” and couldn't find it. can you shoot me another link?
I want to know what website (and more importantly what part of the website) you got that pic from? I just want to know if that picture has anything to do with this story about Maxsuel Medeiros.
So please just go to find the spot on the website that has the pic and then shoot me the URL. I want to see if there is a story that goes with this picture.
That's all
it doesn't have anything to do with Maxsuel Medeiros.
If he hadn't been breaking the law.
Pro-Legal Immigrant and Ignorant
U.S. Citizenship and Immigartion Services website.
yet that you can't “change the subject” on kyledeb. He has a very one track mind and not agreeing with him causes him to get a migrane.
On another note, equating the lot of illegal immigrants with 9/11 is absolutely disgusting. The only way illegal immigrants have anything to do with 9/11 is to remind people that some of the terrorists were here illegally.
If he was not in the Country Illegally maybe he would not of had a heart attack at the hands of the evil State Police.
Yea use 9-11 as the theme to suit your support for Illegal Aliens. Disgusting!
Here’s one for you. A number of the 9-11 Islamic Terrorists were Illegal Aliens here on expired visas.…
According to post 9/11 analysis of records, Atta was summonsed by a traffic cop in Florida for driving without a valid license and was let go, even though his visa was out of status. He also failed to show up in court for this offense, though no officers went out looking for him afterward. Almost unbelievably, Atta landed a plane illegally at Miami Airport and was allowed to walk away, again with no communication between local officials and federal authorities.13
Even though his visa has expired they let him go because just like here in MA(thanks to that Traitor Deval Patrick) the State Police were not allowed to enforce Immigration laws.
Maybe just maybe if our Immigration laws were enforced 9-11 might not of happened and your friend would never of made it to America in the first place.
Yes it is sad that he passed away but don’t blame it on the State Police for doing their job.
He was picked up on outstanding warrants not because of his Illegal Immigration status which he should have been as well if Deval Patrick would uphold his Constitutional duty.
Deval Patrick is a traitor who is not upholding his Constitutional duty, according to this comment. What do you think an appropriate consequence/punishment for that would be?
He should be impeached. For that matter so should President Bush for the same reason.
In case you forgot, one of the first things Deval Patrick did in office was rescind the 287(g) law that would of let the State Police enforce Immigration Laws.
That is not upholding his Constitutional duty to enforce the laws of the United States and protect the Citizens.
That is treason imo.
You disagree?
The Constitutional provides for death as a punishment for treason.
the sole reference for treason in the constitution is
That provides for the minimum requirements for someone accused of treason to be convicted of treason. It does not require execution of those convicted of treason. But it does not prohibit execution, either.
Are we living in the middle ages or something where we actually advocate for people's execution on the charge of treason?
Kyle, what are you talking about? Taking your post at face value, Mr. Medeiros was wanted on state criminal charges, and he was arrested by state police officers and put in a state jail. What does any of this have to do with his status as an illegal alien? And anyway, what is surprising or wrong about the fact that the police would arrest someone they determined was wanted on outstanding warrants? What was he charged with, anyway?
And suppose, despite the lack of any evidence, that you're right, and the stress of being arrested caused Mr. Medeiros to have his heart attack. What do you suggest–ECGs before any arrests to ensure that the police arrest only healthy people? Did Mr. Medeiros know he was facing charges, and if so, why did he not surrender to the police? Or is there some other explanation for the outstanding warrants?
There is a lot we don't know about this case, but I do know that the migrant population within the U.S. and here in Massachusetts is living in fear. An ICE vehicle is enough to put an entire neighborhood in a panic. I stand behind the connection between that migrant fear and the death of Medeiros.
I can't begin to tell you how happy this makes me.
Perhaps if they don't want to live in fear of the ICE they could … oh, I dunno … go home?
Feel free to “stand behind” the supposed connection between “migrant fear” and Medeiros's death, but when you make strong claims that, on inspection, lack logic and evidence to support them, you shouldn't be surprised at the generally negative reactions to your posts here.
We now know a bit more. The outstanding warrant for Medeiros's arrest was for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. Preliminary medical reports show that he had cocaine in his system when he died, though authorities have not yet determined whether the drug caused his death. The Globe has the story here.
Kyle, is Medeiros still a victim of terror on account of his immigration status in your book?
of migrant terror in the U.S. is correct.
but if some whitebread Mayflower material kid from Weston was pulled over by the Staties and he was coked up, I'm guessing that he would be scared shitless too. Anyone that's ever been pulled over by the Staties is gonna be scared, migrant or Mayflower.
And if he was so terrified of drawing the attention of the authorities, maybe he shouldn't have been doing illegal drugs? This country's immigration system is tragically flawed but if your argument is that all people in this country, regardless of their immigration status, should be treated the same then don't we all have the right to hold Medeiros to the same standards we hold everyone else.
Maybe some guy getting all coked up to see a soccer match with his buddies isn't exactly the type of guy to rally an entire national cause around.